Sunday, June 30, 2019

Monthly Wrap-Up: June 2019

I've finally gotten over my reading slump and got back into the grove of things! Yay!

Books read this month:

The First Scream (Fear Park, #1) Bleach, Vol. 55: The Blood Warfare Bleach, Volume 56 Bleach, Volume 57
UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale, #1) The First Horror (99 Fear Street: The House of Evil, #1) Bleach, Volume 58 Bleach, Volume 59
The Second Horror (99 Fear Street: The House of Evil, #2) Bleach, Volume 60 The Third Horror (99 Fear Street: The House of Evil, #3) The House of Evil (Fear Street Collector's Edition, #11)

I read a total of 12 books this month yay! Of course, it helped that most of them were very short, quick reads. Lol. And they were all either Fear Street of Bleach... except for one book. Lol.

And my favorite book of the month was...

Bleach, Volume 60

This month, for the first time in my life, I read manga and I absolutely loved it! I was watching the anime Bleach when I found out that the show never got into the last arc of the story! Oh, the horror! So, because I loved the show and I needed more Bleach in my life, I started reading the last arc in the manga. It took me a little bit to get used to because it is just such a new format to me, but I am in love! I do think it helped that I already loved the characters though. Lol.

Anyway, I picked the last volume of the manga I read, just because it's the most fresh in my mind, but I really loved them all!

Books Reviewed in this month:

Umm, none 😅

Other Posts:


Okay, so I got into the swing of reading... I have yet to write a review though 😅 I feel the inspiration starting to bloom again though, so hopefully I'll have something for next month!

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