
Monday, March 28, 2011

Review: First Grave on the Right (Charley Davidson #1) by Darynda Jones

Title: First Grave on the Right

Series: Charley Davidson #1

Author: Darynda Jones

Genre: Adult, urban fantasy, paranormal

Publication date: February 2011

Published by: St. Martin's Press

Source: Borrowed from library

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A smashing, award-winning debut novel that introduces Charley Davidson: part-time private investigator and full-time Grim Reaper

Charley sees dead people. That’s right, she sees dead people. And it’s her job to convince them to “go into the light.” But when these very dead people have died under less than ideal circumstances (i.e. murder), sometimes they want Charley to bring the bad guys to justice. Complicating matters are the intensely hot dreams she’s been having about an Entity who has been following her all her life...and it turns out he might not be dead after all. In fact, he might be something else entirely.

My rating: ★★★☆☆

(Q & A format)

I have to say, this book was nothing like I expected it to be.

Q: Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

A: *thinks about it for a moment* Well, its not necessarily a good thing. It was way too… how do I call it…steamy for my taste lol. But what did I expect, this is not YA.

So basically this story is about Charlotte (AKA Charlie) Davidson who was born a reaper. The reaper to be exact. Which means she has the ability to see earth bound spirits and help them cross over into the light (which is her. Weird, I know). Plus, she is also a PI (being able to speak to the dead really helps in these situations).

Charlie is currently working on a homicide case in which 3 lawyers were killed for who knows what. While trying to figure out this case, Charlie is also dealing with some guy (Reyes) in her dreams who’s practically stalking her! She doesn’t know who he is or why he keeps coming in his nightly visits (this is that steamy part I was talking about. Yes, in her dreams). Personally, I don't really like Reyes...he creeps me out! But maybe that's just me...

Q: Before you start complaining, what did you like about the book?

A: Me, complain? Pffft. Okay maybe I was :P Anyway, I really liked that this book was very humorous. Especially the ghosts. They’re awesome!

This was quite a quick read (I‘m a fast reader, so it was quick for me :)), very entertaining and funny. Overall, it was a good book :)

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)


  1. I Loved this série, i have read 3 books, and i'm anxious for the next book..

    1. Yeah? I've only read this one... I might have to check out the next book.
