
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Review: Nevermore by Kelly Creagh

Nevermore (Nevermore, #1)
Title: Nevermore

Series: Nevermore #1

Author: Kelly Creagh

Genre: YA, paranormal

Publication date: August 2010

Published by: Atheneum Books for Young Readers

Source: Borrowed from Library

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Cheerleader Isobel Lanley is horrified when she is paired with Varen Nethers for an English project, which is due—so unfair—on the day of the rival game. Cold and aloof, sardonic and sharp-tongued, Varen makes it clear he’d rather not have anything to do with her either. But when Isobel discovers strange writing in his journal, she can’t help but give this enigmatic boy with the piercing eyes another look.

Soon, Isobel finds herself making excuses to be with Varen. Steadily pulled away from her friends and her possessive boyfriend, Isobel ventures deeper and deeper into the dream world Varen has created through the pages of his notebook, a realm where the terrifying stories of Edgar Allan Poe come to life.

As her world begins to unravel around her, Isobel discovers that dreams, like words, hold more power than she ever imagined, and that the most frightening realities are those of the mind. Now she must find a way to reach Varen before he is consumed by the shadows of his own nightmares.

His life depends on it.

My rating: ★★★★☆

This book is a little hard to explain, but it was really good!! It was quite lengthy, but I somehow managed to finish it in 2 days :)

Instead of going into what the book is about, ‘cause frankly if I tried to explain I’d probably end up talking about trees or something, lol . Anyway, instead of that I think I’m just going list off the things I liked and didn’t like about this book..


1. To start off, I really liked Isobel as a heroine. I was quite hesitant at first, Isobel being a cheerleader and all. Not that I want to be stereotypical, but most books I’ve read the cheerleader is always a mean, stuck up bitc- well, you get the point ;) lol. Isobel, however, wasn’t like that at all. I really loved the fact he she stuck up for Varen when her boyfriend and friend went crazy at the ice cream shop.

2. Varen. Liked him too :) He was so mysterious that in some parts of the book I was so frustrated that I didn’t know what was going on. Normally, this would seriously upset me. But since Isobel had no idea what was going on either, I was okay with it. I really hate when I don’t understand what’s going on in a book, but everyone else in the book does. But that didn’t apply here :)

3. I loved watching Varen and Isobel’s relationship develop! I don’t know what it was about it…probably the fact that they never thought something like that would happen.

And there was only ONE thing I disliked…the cliffhanger!!! I hate them! And I have to wait until next year for book 2?! That is sooo not cool!

But besides that, the book was total awesomeness! :D

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)


  1. Your review has intrigued me. Often times I find books that are hard to explain also turn out to be really good.

    1. Yeah, I found this one to be unexpectedly good!
