
Monday, September 5, 2011

Review: Shadow Kiss (Vampire Academy #3) by Richelle Mead

Shadow Kiss (Vampire Academy, #3)
Title: Shadow Kiss

Series: Vampire Academy #3

Previous books in this series: Vampire Academy (#1) | Frostbite (#2)

Author: Richelle Mead

Genre: YA, paranormal romance

Publication date: November 2008

Published by: Razorbill

Source: Borrowed from library

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Is Rose's fate to kill the person she loves most? It's springtime at St. Vladimir's Academy, and Rose Hathaway is this close to graduation. Since Mason's death, Rose hasn't been feeling quite right. She has dark flashbacks in the middle of practice, can't concentrate in class, and has terrifying dreams about Lissa. But Rose has an even "bigger" secret . . . .She's in love with Dimitri. And this time, it's way more than a crush. Then Strigoi target the academy in the deadliest attack in Moroi history, and Dimitri is taken. Rose must protect Lissa at all costs, but keeping her best friend safe could mean losing Dimitri forever...

My rating: ★★★★★

Rose cant be with Dimitri, and her best friend Mason, who also loved her, died (I miss him!) Things cant possibly get any worse...only they do.

After all the craziness that happened during winter break, its finally spring and Rose is that much closer to graduation and being Lissa's guardian alongside Dimitri. But weird things have been going on, like, IDK, Rose seeing Mason's ghost on campus. Actually, she's been having all these weird flashback/vision type things that may be related to her bond with Lissa. Rose is trying to deal with this, her attraction to Dimitri, and Adrian's persistent flirting when BAM!!! Strigoi attack the Academy! It was all very intense and quite actiony...which I like in a book. I think Rose is just an amazing heroine! And can I just say that even though Christian and Rose dislike each other, they make a great team! The things they do when they work together are just awesome!

I love books that can provoke great emotions in me. For example, I was awwwwwing and grinning like a crazy person *cough* Dimitri and Rose *cough* in some parts, and Adrian was always making me laugh...I really do like him ;) Though those emotions aren't always happy ones: during other parts I was crying like there was no tomorrow.

The, it was just depressing! I really hope things between Rose and Dimitri get fixed somehow because I really think she deserves a happily ever after.

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, sadly. I'm sure they'll find away around this though! I have not read past this book either, but I really want to finish the series already and find out how things wrap up!
