
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Review: Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Every Other Day
Title: Every Other Day

Author: Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Genre: YA, paranormal, mystery

Publication date: December 27, 2011

Published by: Egmont USA

Source: The publishers via Netgalley

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Every other day, Kali D'Angelo is a normal sixteen-year-old girl. She goes to public high school. She attends pep rallies. She's human.

And then every day in between . . . She's something else entirely.

Though she still looks like herself, every twenty-four hours predatory instincts take over and Kali becomes a feared demon-hunter with the undeniable urge to hunt, trap, and kill zombies, hellhounds, and other supernatural creatures. Kali has no idea why she is the way she is, but she gives in to instinct anyway. Even though the government considers it environmental terrorism.

When Kali notices a mark on the lower back of a popular girl at school, she knows instantly that the girl is marked for death by one of these creatures. Kali has twenty-four hours to save her and, unfortunately, she'll have to do it as a human. With the help of a few new friends.

My rating: ★★★★★

Kali is a normal human girl...every other day. Every day in between she's a demon hunter, a demon hunter hungry for bloodshed and virtually untouchable. Kali doesn't know why this happens to her, but whether she likes it or not, she must give in.

On a particularly normal human day, Kali notices a mark on a classmates back. A mark that says that the person has been infected by a deadly monster and will soon die. Kali knows she has to save Bethany, but how can she do so when on this particular day she's human?

I really liked this book. There was a lot of action happening in a short 2-3 days. And let me tell you, this whole thing about Kali saving Bethany is so much bigger than just that. Yes, Kali tries to save Bethany, but in doing so she puts herself in dangers way. Not only that, but in the process she finds out shocking things about herself that are just.....shocking. I mean, when you find out what Kali really is you're just like, Whoa! Where the heck did that come from?? I sooooo did not see that coming!

This book was incredibly funny! So much so that during one point while I was reading in class (yes, I read in class instead of paying attention...the class is too easy and besides, I don't think the professor noticed ;)) I almost laughed out loud! Just remember this: tampons!! Ha! I still laugh when I think about it :)

There was also a lot of suspense and mystery and was even romantic at times (even though I felt like strangling Zev at certain points in the book!)

I thought the story had a great plot: a girl trying to save this other girl from a monster and along the way she stumbles upon one surprising thing after another. The Chupacabra twist I found extremely interesting. My family being from Mexico, I know a bit about this mythological creature...Okay, I don't really know that much about it, lol. But the way they described the Chupacabra in this book was different from the myths I've heard and I liked that uniqueness.

I also liked the characters. Kali is a total badass even when she is not on her demon hunting days; Bethany is a total bitch but I ended up kinda liking her; I loved Skye and all her bubbliness that made me giggle form time to time; I also found Skye's several brothers to be rather interesting.

The descriptions were total amazingness! Especially when describing the many different monsters Kali came across.

There's one thing that did bother me however: the end. It ends on a cliffhangerish note, which made me believe that there was going to be a book 2.....but then I find out that this is a standalone! Not cool man, not cool -_-

Overall I thought the book way pretty amazing. And the cover…love it!!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)


  1. Ok I definitely have to read this one! Thanks for the review!

  2. I missed this book when it came out, but if an author can make me laugh out loud, I have to check this book out. The mystery of this character and the stakes she's faced with are going to be fun to read about.

    1. Yeah, I feel like this one flew under the radar. But I remember really loving it!

  3. Interesting, I like the cover. Reminds me an anime
