
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Review: My Lunatic Life (Lunatic Life #1) by Sharon Sala

My Lunatic Life (Lunatic Life, #1)
Title: My Lunatic Life

Series: Lunatic Life #1

Author: Sharon Sala

Genre: YA, paranormal, mystery

Publication date: August 30, 2011

Published by: Bell Bridge Books

Source: the publishers via NetGalley

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Tara Luna's life is complicated enough without moving to a new town during her senior year. How can she tell yet another set of new classmates that she talks to ghosts? How can she introduce them to Henry and Millicent, the ghost-couple who've watched over since childhood? And should she mention that she and her Uncle Pat have moved into a house haunted by a dead teen girl, who is already bugging Tara for help solving her murder?

Welcome to Tara's Lunatic Life, the first book in bestselling author Sharon Sala's YA paranormal mystery series.

My rating: ★★★★★

Ever since she can remember, Tara Luna (AKA Moon Girl to the sexy Flynn) has been able to communicate with ghosts. Not only is she a "ghost whisperer," she also is a bit psychic. She can sometimes feel what other people are feeling or sometimes she even knows what they're thinking. Quite a multi-talented young lady, isn't she?

Tara and her only relative, Uncle Pat, (plus her two best friends Millicent and Henry who just happen to be ghosts) just moved to a new town. Like being the new girl isn't hard enough, it seems like Tara's new house is haunted. This thing in Tara's house is sinister-like and wont leave her alone. Tara must find out what the shadow wants before it hurts someone...Tara included.

On top of all that, a popular girl at her new school, Bethany, suddenly goes missing. And thanks to her psychic abilities, Tara is the only one who can find Bethany. With the help of Flynn, the gorgeous bad boy from school who might or might not have feelings for Tara, Tara sets out to find Bethany before she gets seriously hurt...or even worse, killed.

I loved this book! I thought the story itself was very interesting and entertaining...I love ghost stories and a good mystery, and this book just happened to have both rolled into one! It was great! Plus, it also made me laugh... a lot :D

I really liked the relationship between Tara and Flynn. And while some might think that things between them happened a little too fast, I didn't care...I loved it!

There was action from start to finish, and it was a pretty quick read. It's definitely worth checking out!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)


  1. Hey :) I am a new follower, I found you through Jessica Therrien's blog tour page :)
    Can't wait to read more of your posts!

    If you have time, please check out my blog :)


  2. The title caught my attention. Sounds good.

    1. Right? I think that's what caught my attention too. Lol.
