
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Review: Bad Blood (Blood Coven Vampire #4) by Mari Mancusi

Bad Blood (Blood Coven Vampire, #4)
Title: Bad Blood

Series: Blood Coven Vampire #4

Previous books in this series: Boys that Bite (#1) | Stake That! (#2) | Girls that Growl (#3)

Author: Mari Mancusi

Genre: YA, paranormal

Publication date: January 2010

Published by: Berkley Trade

Source: Borrowed from the public library

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Sunny McDonald is in the ultimate forbidden relationship. Her boyfriend Magnus is a vampire, and the leader of the Blood Coven. And when the Coven decides that Magnus needs a mate to be his co-ruler, Sunny's humanity puts her out of the running. The Coven's chosen candidate is Jane Johnson, a magna cum laude graduate of Oxford University who just happens to look like a vampiric supermodel.

Sunny is suspicious of a Rhodes Scholar who can't answer the most basic poli-sci questions, but Magnus brushes it off as petty jealousy. Still, when the Blood Coven goes to Las Vegas for a vampire convention, Sunny and her twin sister Rayne secretly tag along. And Sunny's not going home before she learns the truth about Jane. Because not everything stays in Vegas-especially bad blood.

My rating: ★★★★★

These twins...they barely get out of one problem when they're already getting sucked into the next! Bad cases of mistaken identity seem to be a theme in this series.

This next problem though, is for Sunny. Everything was going peachy with Sunny and Magnus...until a bomb was dropped on us all in the last book: Magnus is getting a blood mate! YES, A FREAKIN' BLOOD MATE! Oh my vamp!

But there is something off about Magnus's soon-to-be blood mate...and Sunny is smart enough to notice it. But doesn't Magnus believe her? Nooooo, he doesn't! -_-

So, in order to prove him wrong (and save his ass), Sunny goes all the way to Las Vegas where Magnus is attending a meeting...and where this chick will officially become Magnus's blood mate. She and Rayne go here and they meet their step-family...and there is a shocking detail their parents failed to mention to them...and when I say shocking, I mean SHOCKING! Well, it was to me, anyway.

Rayne agreed to help Sunny uncover this lady's (whose name I totally forgot!) dirty little secret while they're in Las Vegas. But Rayne becomes a, not a little, Rayne becomes VERY preoccupied with Poker and the Slot machines. So, now left pretty much alone, Sunny sets out to discover the truth about Magnus's blood mate.

While Sunny is on the mission of saving her boyfriend, she meets a very sweet guy, Jayden, who she may or may not be falling for.

I don't know if I have said this before, but I don't like love fact, I hate them! They just complicate things too much and sometimes I totally hate one of the guys and don't want the girl to end up with him and other times I like both of the guys but the girl cant keep them both, now can she? Of course, just because I don't like love triangles doesn't mean I wont read a book with them. If a book sounds good to me I'll read it, love triangle or no.

In this case, I adored Jayden and I already loved that's totally not cool. But I actually didn't really mind this one, I mean, Magnus was being a total jerk-face and Jayden was there for her, so yay. And the million dollar question is...will Sunny be able to save Magnus while trying to not fall for Jayden?

Another character I really liked was their little sister Stormy. She was just adorable and very likable! I really hope to see more of her in future books!

One thing that bothered me, though, was the ending. I usually love twist endings, but this twist ending seemed a bit much...but it was still pretty shocking for me, so I guess its not all bad. I like being surprised (most of the time, lol)!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)

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