
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Review: The Goddess Hunt (Goddess Test #1.5) by Aimee Carter

The Goddess Hunt (Goddess Test, #1.5)
Title: The Goddess Hunt

Series: Goddess Test #1.5

Previous book in this series: The Goddess Test

Author: Aimee Carter

Genre: YA, paranormal romance, Greek mythology

Publication date: March 1st, 2012

Published by: Harlequin Teen

Source: Own Kindle E-Book

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A vacation in Greece sounds like the perfect way for Kate Winters to spend her first sabbatical away from the Underworld...until she gets caught up in an immortal feud going back millennia. Castor and Pollux have been on the run from Zeus and Hades's wrath for centuries, hiding from the gods who hunt them. The last person they trust is Kate, the new Queen of the Underworld. Nevertheless, she is determined to help their cause. But when it comes to dealing with immortals, Kate still has a lot to learn....

My rating: ★★★★★

Loved, loved, LOVED!

Before this, I didn't know much about the the Dioscuri twins (Castor and Pollux...Pollux is AKA Polydeuces), but here is what I learned: the twins were sons of Leda, the Queen of Sparta (some say Helen "of Troy" was also her daughter), but while one child was the son of her husband, the other was son of Zeus. Even though they were only (technically) half-brothers, they were very, very close. Because they were so generous to mankind, when they died, Zeus offered his son Pollux a place among the gods (see, none of that seven deadly sins tests mumbo jumbo I was talking about in my review of The Goddess Test). But he agreed on the condition that his brother Castor was also deified. Zeus agreed, but in order to appease The Fates (the three goddesses of fate and destiny who also happened to decide how and when you died) and Hades, the twins were to spend alternate days in the Underworld. And every day in between they were allowed on Olympus.

In The Goddess Hunt, something went wrong with this deal, and the Dioscuri twins found themselves running from the gods. But Kate is determined to help the twins out, even if it means defying the gods.

I loved this story :) It was great! And Kate is such a great character! She is strong, but stubborn...but I still like her. And she is really very nice, even when the twins want nothing to do with her because they feel like they cant trust her (she is a goddess now, after all). And then there's Henry...*sigh* I ADORE him! He's soo sweet!

Anyway, If you liked the 1st book, then this is a must read for you!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)

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