
Monday, July 30, 2012

Review Copy Cleanup

So I decided to participate in this challenge. My review pile is crazy, so I thought this challenge was just perfect!

The Guidelines

•The challenge runs from 1 to 31 August
•To sign up, just fill in the Mister Linky. Link to your sign up post directly please! The Linky is the same for both our blogs, so you only have to sign up once
•The sign up is open until 15 August 2012
•When you post your sign up post on your blog, either include the challenge button with your post or link it back to this article so that people know where to sign up. Thank you!
•Every book you received for review counts towards the challenge, both ebooks and hard copies, including all genres and lengths
•You don't need to follow the two hosts in order to be able to sign up for the event (although it's appreciated)
•Feel free to use the #RCCleanup hashtag on Twitter for your RCC related tweets or join in the Twitter party at and meet lots of awesome bloggers (:
•The dates of the readathons and Twitter parties will be announced closer to the RCC

I still have not picked out the books I want to read, but I'll try and do that soon. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the vote, Lili. I'm hovering in the mid-land. Ha,ha. It's better than last, but I want the cool graphic they give out if you win. They don't give much time. It ends tonight and I just found out yesterday.

    Thanks again!
