
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Showcase Sunday (#24)

Welcome to Showcase Sunday, hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea. The aim of this event is to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed form the libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders this week. For more information about how this feature works and to join in, click here.

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This first one was an RAK gift...thanks sooo much! I'm super excited to read this one! Norse mythology, yeah!

And I won the following Swag from Mandee over at Compelled By Words. Yay! Thanks so much! Kimberly Derting just rocks!

Oh, and BTW, I have some double of these that I'll be giving away,
so be on the look out for that real soon!

Well, that's it for me. Thank you for stopping by! Now back to my pile of homework that needs to be done by tomorrow... *sigh*

What bookish things did you get this week??


  1. Oh you have to tell me how Valkeryie Rising is. I cant wait to read that one.

  2. I think you did okay this week. :-)

  3. I've seen that one popping up lately, I'm gonna have to check into it! Hope you love it!

    Thanks for stopping by Book Cover Justice :)

    1. It sounds definitely should check it out!
