
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Review: Existence by Abbi Glines

Title: Existence

Series: Existence Trilogy #1

Author: Abbi Glines

Genre: YA, paranormal romance

Publication date: December 2011

Published by: Wild Child Publishing

Source: Borrowed

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What happens when you're stalked by Death? You fall in love with him, of course.

Pagan Moore doesn't cheat Death, but instead, falls in love with him.

Seventeen year old Pagan Moore has seen souls her entire life. Once she realized the strangers she often saw walking through walls were not visible to anyone else, she started ignoring them. If she didn't let them know she could see them, then they left her alone. Until she stepped out of her car the first day of school and saw an incredibly sexy guy lounging on a picnic table, watching her with an amused smirk on his face. Problem is, she knows he's dead.

Not only does he not go away when she ignores him, but he does something none of the others have ever done. He speaks. Pagan is fascinated by the soul. What she doesn't realize is that her appointed time to die is drawing near and the wickedly beautiful soul she is falling in love with is not a soul at all.

He is Death and he's about to break all the rules.

My rating: ★★★★☆

Call me crazy (or morbid), but I really like this sort of stuff--reapers, the reaping of souls, or in this case, Death breaking the rules by not taking a soul. I don't know why, but this reaper stuff just fascinates me. And what initially caught my attention about this book was the premise. But as I continued to read more and more, in some ways it reminded me of Twilight/New Moon. Now, I don't like comparing one book to another because that just seems unfair, but sometimes it's impossible for me to not notice some glaring similarities. I mean, the guy stalks the girl, they fall in love but the guy tell the girl that they can't be together, then the guy leaves the girl and the girl goes nuts-o and withdraws into herself...s ound familiar??

Another problem I had was with Dank... er, not Dank himself (he was pretty cool overall), but his name! I mean, seriously, Dank! How can you take Death seriously when his freakin' name is Dank?! Anyway, later I find out that its short for something (that I cant remember)... but still. Don't like the name.

And then there's Leif... I felt like Pagan was just paying with the poor guy! Sure she genuinely liked him, but if she liked Dank (*cringes*) more she should've broken up with this poor fool!

Although I had a few problems with the story (as you may have noticed in my somewhat rant-y review), I can't say that I absolutely hated it. in truth, I thought it was rather entertaining with it's reaper stuff. And if this sounds like something you might like, I say go for it!

Have you read this book? If so, leave me a comment telling me what you thought about it! If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read?

1 comment:

  1. Great review. I have n't read it yet and I'm curious.
