
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Showcase Sunday (#31)

Welcome to Showcase Sunday, hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea. The aim of this event is to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed form the libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders this week. For more information about how this feature works and to join in, click here.


I want to thank my good friend Kendra from Kendra Talks Books for these! Not too long ago a whole bunch of authors came to a Barnes and Noble in Seattle and had a signing. I really wanted to go, but it's a really long drive and the roads were really bad with the snow and ice. Fortunately, Kendra was able to get me a signed copy of Velveteen and Whisper! I also sent her my copy of Anna Dressed in Blood, and she was able to get me that one signed too! Eeep! I was so excited to get my copies for Christmas! So, thank you Kendra, you rock!


I got this one a few days ago when it was free, but its only 99 cents now, so check it out!

For Review:

Thanks SO much to Netgalley and Te Da Media for this ARC! I am SOOO excited to read it! There's Greek mythology involved...Eeeeeep!!!! A Hades and Persephone story, to be exact!

I also received Audrey's Guide To Black Magic by Jodi Gehrman to beta read. That is the 2nd book in the series. The 1st book is Audrey's Guide To Witchcraft, which is a really good book! So thanks to Jodi for that one!

This post is also worth 2 weeks of bookish things. I didn't post last week because...well...actually, I cant even remember what I was doing last week! LOL! Oh! I also won a $25 giftcard for Amazon in a giveaway, and my parents gave me some money for Christmas which I intend to use to buy books! So I'll keep you guys posted on that, since I haven't used up a cent yet.

Anyway, tell me what things you got this past week!


  1. I'm so jealous you got signed copies of Velveteen and Anna Dressed in Blood. I really enjoyed Anna and I just got the second one this week.

    Here's my Showcase Sunday!

  2. Great haul Lili. I am off to Netgalley to look for My ex from hell. Happy reading and thanks for stopping by.

  3. You're welcome! Hopefully the next time there's an awesome signing like that, you'll be able to make it!
