
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Know Me Better (#1)

I have decided to join Inspired Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer, in this fun weekly post. Here we take 5 questions from our Author Interview list and answer them in a post. I highly encourage you, my readers, to answer theses long with me. Not only do I want you guys to get to know me better, but it would be great if I got to know my readers better, as well!

Tell us 5 random things about yourself.
  1. I may have a slight obsession with the color purple ;)
  2. I am in love with The Avengers! I cannot even tell you how many times I have seen the movies this year alone...lost count after 5. (Also, am watching Captain America as I write this.)
  3. I love writing. At the moment I have a few stories in progress that I am writing just for myself. If I am happy with the outcome, in the future I might decide to share them with the world.
  4. I love nail polish! I love doing my nails and making them look all pretty and stuff. But since I am a nursing student and they don't allow us to have nail polish while at clinicals, I haven't been able to do them more often *sad face*
  5. And I LOVE mythology! Especially Greek mythology! But your probably knew that already ;)
Favorite TV show when you were younger?

Ah, the nostalgia.

Horror or Romance?

I'm all for a little romance, but to be honest with you and myself, I have to go with horror! It's one of my favorite genres!

Book Store or Library?

Um, both? If I've got $ to spend I'll definitely go to the book store, but if I am broke (like now...nursing school does that to ya) the library is my best friend!

What type of movies do you like to watch?

Again, HORROR! I went to watch "Mama" the weekend it came out and OhMyGods was it freaky! Awesome movie, if you're into that kind of thing! I don't know what it is about these kinds of movies, but I just love getting frightened! I think it was in a show where I heard that people like that feeling and all the adrenaline rush, yet you know nothing bad will happen to you because you are in a controlled environment...yep, that sounds like me!

Now it's your turn! Share an answer to one or more of these questions as a comment or post your answers on your blog and leave me a link here!


  1. Greek Mythology DOES rule! As does the color purple!

  2. Liliana my name's Angelica and my name reminds everyone of Rugrats.

    My KMB.
