
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Know Me Better (#2)

I have decided to join Inspired Kathy from I Am A Reader, Not A Writer, in this fun weekly post. Here we take 5 questions from our Author Interview list and answer them in a post. I highly encourage you, my readers, to answer theses long with me. Not only do I want you guys to get to know me better, but it would be great if I got to know my readers better, as well!

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

Umm, well, I really like it where I'm living now....right in the smack middle of Washington state. I'd like to travel and explore the world one day, but I think this little town will always be my home.

Favorite Literary Characters?

Oh gosh, I've got too many to count. There's Lex from Croak by Gina Damico; Juliette, Adam, and Kenji from Shatter Me; Gwen, Daphne, and Logan from Mythos Academy; Eve Hollows from the Nightmare series by Robert Gray; Jace and Ethan from the Shifter series by Rachel Vincent; Jace from TMI...and a whole bunch of others!

In your wildest dreams, which author would you love to co-author a book with?

Me? Co-author a book? I don't see that happening any time soon. But if I had to choose one author I'd probably go with Rick Riordan. Love him! And I love mythology :) And his writing is just SO much fun!

Things that bring a smile to your face?

The weirdos that are my brothers. I don't have any kids myself, but I can always count on my 3 younger brothers to make me laugh.

Do you have a favorite saying?

Not really...but I'll go with "Honesty is the best policy."

Now it's your turn! Share an answer to one or more of these questions as a comment or post your answers on your blog and leave me a link here!


  1. I don't see my self co-authoring a book either. Writing is harder than it looks and besides I'm not very creative so I wouldn't know what to write

    1. Writing is hard! But it's also a lot of fun if you know where you're going with it ;)

  2. Owh this is such a great post!

    If I have a chance to co-author with one famous author, Rachel Caine it is! I love her Morganville Vampire series and loved her sense of humour! She always bring a smile to my face.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Nat @ <a href=">Dreamland Teen Fantasy</a>

    1. Oooh. I have not read that series yet, but I read a short story that takes place in that world in an anthology and since then I've really been wanting to read it!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. We are both similar when it comes to where we want to live :)

    My KMB

  4. Liliana, new follower!

    Here's my Know Me Better post.

    Since your blog is mostly YA, I'd like to extend the invitation to list your blog on YA Blogosphere which is a directory listing for all YA-related blogs. If your interested, pls email me on

    Have a great week!
