
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Break Read-A-Thon!

Guys, guess what? As of 9:30 AM today I am officially on...

*Happy dance* Oh my gods, I survived quarter 2 out of 7 of nursing school (and got A's on both of my finals! Woot woot!) proud of myself *grins* So now that I don't have to worry about school for one and a half weeks, it's time for me to catch up on my reading and reviewing! I've got quite a few books to read and reviews to write, so this will be the time for that. Below I have listed my to-read books and I'll be updating the list as I go. I will also try to update my reading status on Goodreads and/or Twitter plus I am also thinking of writing up a blog post at the end of each day to document my progress. My read-a-thon will go from today (March 19th) to March 31st (gotta go back to school on the 1st, unfortunately =/)


Goddess Inheritance (Goddess Test #3) by Aimee Carter [currently reading]
Dark Genesis by Dave Ferraro
Glitch (Glitch #1) by Heather Anastasiu
Override (Glitch #2) by Heather Anastasiu

The Nightmare Affair (The Arkwell Academy #1) by Mindee Arnett
Hide and Seek (Games of Zeus #1) by Aimee Laine
Silent Echos (Games of Zeus #2) by Aimee Laine
Deep Betrayal (Lies Beneath #2) by Anne Greenwood Brown

Hysteria by Megan Miranda
My Ex From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy #1) by Tellulah Darling
Spellbinding by Maya Gold
Proximity by M.A. George

Godsmacked by by Paul Cicchini
The New Death and Others by James Hutchings
Narrative Loserdom by Ryan Collins
Sliding Beneath the Surface (The St. Augustine Trilogy #1) by Doug Dillon

That's 16 books in 13 days. My goal, originally, was to read all of these books. But now, I think I'm gonna go for reading at least one book a day. That's at least 13 books, which is still a pretty attainable goal :)

I am SO excited!! After all that studying and all the hair pulling and binging on chocolate ice cream (AKA stress!) I am ecstatic to have this time for myself to just read something non-school-related. Eeeep! And if anyone wants to join me on this read-a-thon, feel free! You can choose as many or as little books as you'd wish, and just leave me a link to your post in the comments so I can check it out! This is going to be fun!!


  1. Congrats on making it to spring break, Liliana! Enjoy every hard-earned minute of it!

  2. Wow, 16 books in 13 days! Congratulations for those A's in your exams :D Enjoy your books, hope to read your reviews soon! Have a nice one and a half weeks ;)

  3. Hi,
    I am a new follower.
    Here is my blog if you want to follow back.

  4. Happy reading and have a great break. You've earned it, Lili!

    P.S. You're a woman after my own heart. I spend all of my vacations with my nose in a book. ;)

  5. Ha,ha. I just saw the date of this post. Don't mind me. ;)

    Back to the books... TEXT books! LOL
