
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Blog Tour - Review + Giveaway: Nissa by Bethany Lopez

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Nissa: A Contemporary Fairy Tale
Title: Nissa

Author: Bethany Lopez

Genre: YA, urban fantasy, paranormal

Publication date: April 23, 2013

Published by: Bethany Lopez

Source: From the author to review for blog tour

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At 900 years old, Nissa is finally ready to follow her mother's path and become the best Fairy Godmother she can. She’s not thrilled when her first assignment turns out to be a teenage human girl with self-esteem issues, but she knows she has to start somewhere. Her assignment has dealt with bullies since her freshman year and they haven’t let up. If Nissa can’t help her regain her self-confidence her future is bleak.

To complicate matters Nissa experiences all the signs that she's met the being fated for her. This impossibility distracts her from her purpose. After all, fairies and humans aren't meant for each other. How can her heart believe otherwise? Can Nissa successfully complete her first assignment as a Fairy Godmother? Will the fates allow Nissa and Levi to be together? And even if they do, will Levi believe Nissa once she reveals the truth?

My rating: ★★★★☆

I really liked this book! I thought it was a very fun read!

I really liked story... A Fairy godmother falling in love with a human while on an assignment? Can you say forbidden love? I don't think I've read something like this before, so I thought it was interesting. However, the pace of the story was too fast for my liking and there was a lot of telling instead of showing, unfortunately.

Nissa was a very likable character, though! She was very sweet but a bit naive. This was her first assignment, though. Vicky...gosh, I just wanted to give her a big hug because of the way she was being treated. But Nissa really helped her and she went though some amazing changes. Levi was such a sweet guy...I seriously have a weakness for guys like this.

The romance was kept very PG, so even though the characters or on the older side of YA, I think this can be an appropriate MG read, as well.

I absolutely loved the ending! It wrapped things up nicely, and yet kept the reader wondering what will happen next. But then again, it would be a bad thing if a book didn't leave you thinking about it once you were finished with it ;)

And that cover? Absolutely gorgeous!

Final words: I feel like the story moved along a little too fast, but it was a very enjoyable read, nonetheless! If you like fairy-tale-type books, I think this should be on your TBR list!

Enter to win one signed copy of Nissa + Swag (open internationally)!!!

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Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)


  1. This book sounds really good and different! =D

    1. It was! But then again, I haven't read too many fairy godmother books, so I really liked that.
