
Friday, April 19, 2013

Review: Impulse Control (Talent Chronicles #0.5) by Susan Bischoff

Impulse Control (Talent Chronicles, #0.5)
Title: Impulse Control

Series: Talent Chronicles #0.5

Author: Susan Bischoff

Genre: YA, paranormal

Publication date: March 2011

Published by: Susan Bischoff

Source: Bought e-book

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In the world of the Talent Chronicles, kids born with supernatural powers are taken from their families and forced into government research facilities called State Schools. At one such school, a dangerous experiment has killed two young inmates and threatens others. Ethan, a shape-shifter, is reluctantly recruited by his best friend Karen, a telepath, and Elle, the unique Talent he has a crush on, to thwart the faculty's plans. If they’re caught they face Detention, and Detention at a State School has a whole different meaning.

"Impulse Control" is a short story of approximately 12,000 words and contains some strong language.
My rating: ★★★★☆

This was a great short story that takes place in the Talent Chronicles series. I've only read the 1st book (Hush Money) but I really liked it! I love the world Susan Bischoff created with all these different characters with different (but waaaay cool) supernatural abilities!

However, I kinda wished there would've been more of a clarification as to who had what "talent," as they call it, to spare me the confusion throughout the novella. I also had a hard time following the telepathic convo at the know, who was saying what.

But besides that confusion, I thought the story was great! For being a short story, it kept my attention all the way through with it's cool talents and tons of action and even a little budding romance! I'm wondering how the characters from this prequel will tie into the rest of the series, or if they're even going to show up at all! Either way, I'm highly looking forward to reading the next book!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)

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