
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Review: My Ex From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy #1) by Tellulah Darling

My Ex From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy, #1)
Title: My Ex From Hell

Series: The Blooming Goddess Trilogy #1

Author: Tellulah Darling

Genre: YA, paranormal romance, Greek mythology

Publication date: April 1st 2013

Published by: Te Da Media

Source: ARC from the author via Netgalley

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Sixteen-year-old Sophie Bloom wishes she’d been taught the following:

a) Bad boy’s presence (TrOuBlE) + teen girl’s brain (DraMa) = TrAuMa (Highly unstable and very volatile.)
b) The Genus Greekulum Godissimus is notable for three traits: 1) awesome abilities, 2) grudges, and 3) hook-ups, break-ups, and in-fighting that puts cable to shame.

Prior to the Halloween dance, Sophie figures her worst problems involve adolescent theatrics, bitchy yoga girls, and being on probation at her boarding school for mouthy behaviour. Then she meets bad boy Kai and gets the kiss that rocks her world.


This breath stealing lip lock reawakens Sophie’s true identity: Persephone, Goddess of Spring. She’s key to saving humanity in the war between the Underworld and Olympus, target numero uno of Hades and Zeus, and totally screwed.

Plus there’s also the little issue that Sophie’s last memory as Persephone was just before someone tried to murder her.

Big picture: master her powers, get her memories back, defeat Persephone’s would be assassin, and save the world. Also, sneak into the Underworld to retrieve stolen property, battle the minions of Hades and Zeus, outwit psycho nymphs, slay a dragon, rescue a classmate, keep from getting her butt expelled from the one place designed to keep her safe…

…and stop kissing Kai, Prince of the Underworld.

My Ex From Hell is a romantic comedy/Greek mythology smackdown. Romeo and Juliet had it easy.

My rating: ★★★★☆

I absolutely LOVES mythology *singsongs*! Greek mythology is especially my favorite, so yah, I totally loved this book!

I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED Sophie! She was just a very sarcastic, feisty little thing! She was just a great character, very fun to read about.

Hannah was a great supporting character; I loved her! She was a very sweet gal and humble even though she is apparently super hot ;) lol. Theo was great too. He actually really surprised me...I had NO idea that...well, he was this person. (Trying not to spoil things here!)

Kai...oh man. This character was just hot and cold and I don't know whether I like him or not (though I'm leaning more toward not). Yes, he us super gorgeous and super swoon-worthy, but at the same time he makes me want to punch him in the freakin' neck!

The story itself I really liked as well. It was faced paced and held my attention all the way through. It never got boring so, really, I had a hard time putting it down!

And even though the story was about Persephone, it wasn't a Hades-Persephone retelling like so many books out there, and that was very refreshing. I really liked how the author took these mythological characters we know and weaved them a completely new and different story from any other Greek mythology book I have read (and let me tell you, I've read A LOT of them!)

So, even though I loved the originality of the story, there was just something lacking. What, I can't exactly say and it's SO frustrating that I can't place my finger on it! That's really my only complaint. And once I find out what that something is, I'll let you know ;)

Another thing I loved was that I was laughing at almost every turn of the page (or click, since I was reading it on my Kindle ;)). I love a book that can make me laugh as much as this one did. Even when things were serious, the author always found a way to lighten things up and make me laugh. It was great!

And the pop culture references were great! I especially liked the one with, ahem, Tony Stark ;) What can I say, I love me some Avengers ;)

Last words: It was just such a fun read and I had a blast reading this book! The Greek mythology itself was perfectly embedded, so if you don't know much about it, you wont have trouble following it. I highly recommend this one! Mythology FTW!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)


  1. I love greek mythology too. When I read the blurb I thought if this book had been funny. I'm in the mood to read something like this. Sounds really good :)

    1. Then this is the book for you! It is HILARIOUS! You will love it!
