
Monday, June 17, 2013

Review + Giveaway: Shutdown (Glitch #3) by Heather Anastasiu

Welcome to my stop on the tour! I am so happy I am one of the lucky bloggers who gets to kick off the tour! I've got a 5 star review for you, so...Enjoy! Also, if you have not started this series, I recommend you give it a shot! It's absolutely great!

Shutdown (Glitch, #3)
Title: Shutdown

Series: Glitch #3

Previous books in this series: Glitch (#1) | Override (#2)

Author: Heather Anastasiu

Genre: YA, dystopian, sci-fi

Publication date: July 2nd 2013

Published by: St. Martin's Griffin

Source: ARC for blog tour

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The battle is all but over, and hope seems to be lost. Zoe and her fellow Resistance fighters are on the run, having lost their home, their protection, and their leader. They are outnumbered and outmatched by the powerful corporation that controls the world, and the cruel Chancellor is inches away from completing a scheme that would kill most of humanity. Zoe's only remaining option is to chase the impossible dream of upending the Link system, freeing the world from the hardware that controls their thoughts and emotions, and hope it will trigger a revolution.

The plot requires a nearly impossible mission to infiltrate the dangerous Community, and it is a task that Zoe must unfortunately complete alone. With challenges and surprises at every turn, nothing goes according to plan. Adrien's visions of the future now show two possible outcomes: one in which they succeed, and one in which humanity falls. It all lies in Zoe's hands.

Full of romance, high-adrenaline action and shocking twists, Shutdown is a heart-pounding conclusion to an exciting sci-fi adventure trilogy for young adults.

The thrilling conclusion to an action-packed sci-fi trilogy.

My rating: ★★★★★

So it's been about 6 months since the happenings of Override, and, you know, still on the run. When it's not one thing it's always another. But Zoe is determined now more than ever to stop the Chancellor once and for all.

I say now more than ever because of what happened to Adrien. I cried SO much when we found out in have no idea. And honestly, you cant blame a girl for wanting the Chancellor dead after that. I just have an intense hatred for her. Which I love in a book! Err, not the hating...Just the fact the Heather pulls all these feels out of me with her amazing writing!

Zoe is such an amazing character! She has undergone some pretty incredible development throughout the series...she is seriously the great and strong leader Adrien saw in his visions and the leader everyone was expecting (even though Zoe herself doubted it a times). This "new" Adrien, on the other hand, I didn't really like. As Zoe said, he was just too logical. Gone was the sweet loving Adrien I've grown to love *sad face* But to be honest, he did start to grow on be towards the end of the book.

Other characters that grew on me: Xona and Ginni. Xona was kinda mean, but over time she made some very unexpected friends and, really, she's a likable character, surprisingly! Ginni was just so much fun and such a girl with her gossip and boy-talk! I loved her and all her bubbliness! Max was a character that really surprised me there at the end. I never liked that kid even though he kept repeating that he was wanting to change and be forgiven and whatnot. But in the! I still cannot believe it!

To wrap things up, Shutdown had TONS of unending action, suspense, and some sexual tension ;) I have absolutely enjoyed reading this series and exploring this wonderful world Ms. Heather has created. Such a great ending to an awesome series I will surely miss. I HIGHLY recommend this one to all those who are fans of dystopian novels!

Side note: I've been listening a lot to Fall Out Boy's new album "Save Rock and Roll" lately, more specifically the song The Phoenix (I effing LOVE this song!). Why am I telling you this? Because I just think it's so fitting for this book! Take a listen!

Do you agree, or what???

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)


  1. Wonderful review. So happy you enjoyed it :)

    thanks for participating!

  2. I've loved this series since day 1. I think Override ended on a seriously dramatic note and that made the wait for Shutdown that much harder and longer! UGH-MAX! Why is he still around?!
    I hope everyone loves how book 3 ends ;)

    1. I AGREE!! What happened to Adrien? *sob* And Max? *grrrr* *punches him in the face*
      But it was great! So happy you liked the ending...I did too ;)

  3. Thanks for introducing me to this series. These are now top of my TBR list, and I can't wait! Dystopians are my favorite! Thanks for the chance to win :D

    1. I am SO happy to hear that! If you are a fan of dystopians I KNOW you'll love this series! It's absolutely great!

      Happy reading! :)

  4. I have heard a lot of good things about this series. I have been wanting to read the book and my library doesn't carry them. This would be a perfect chance! Thanks for hosting!

    1. It's such a great series! I hope you can read it soon!

  5. I haven't read any of them, but I'm excited to read them after reading little sneak peeks of them. And, I love exploring new authors and their books!

    1. It's an amazing dystopian series! It was just fantastic!

  6. Hi Lili!
    I totally love FOB and I think the song is just perfect for Shutdown. Btw, I loved this book, too. Thank you for sharing your thoughts ^^

    1. Yes! Someone who agrees with me on the song! ;) lol

  7. I actually did not enjoy this series. :(
