
Friday, July 26, 2013

Review: Override (Glitch #2) by Heather Anastasiu

Override (Glitch, #2)
Title: Override

Series: Glitch #2

Previous book in this series: Glitch

Author: Heather Anastasiu

Genre: YA, dystopian, sci-fi

Publication date: Feb. 2013

Published by: St. Martin's Griffin

Source: the publishers via Netgalley (thanks!)

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Zoe is free. She has escaped the enslavement of the Community, disconnected from the hardware that had controlled her every thought and emotion, and evaded capture by the Chancellor intent on killing her. She is finally free, but she is far from safe.

Zoe and Adrien hide themselves from detection at the Foundation, an academy that trains teen glitchers to fight in the Resistance movement. Together, Zoe and her new team of superhuman fighters must risk their lives to rescue other glitchers and humans from the Chancellor's control. Challenges abound at every turn, and Adrien, who has become silent, distant, and tormented by his visions of the future, only adds to the growing certainty of defeat. But worst of all, as Zoe's team fights against impossible odds, distrust and betrayal leads to the terrible discovery that their greatest threat could already be lurking behind the safe walls of the Foundation.

Full of high-adrenaline action and shocking twists, Heather Anastasiu's Override is an exciting continuation of this popular young adult trilogy.
My rating: ★★★★★

Zoe is finally free from the Community and is now with Adrien and the rest of the Rez! Huzzah! Now comes the hard part: finding a way to free everyone else from the Community. Not to mention that Zoe needs training to control her telekinesis (which she is getting really good's amazing!). Oh! And lets not forget the little detail that she's supposed to be a leader! We've also got that other little detail of Zoe's allergies to the Surface...There's SO much on Zoe's will she deal with it all? I really feel for Zoe and all the hard stuff she's been going through. She is such a likable character and you cant help but care what happens to her!

I loved all the new characters we were introduced to! I *heart* Rand and all his cockiness...he made me laugh out loud on so many occasions, and I love that! Ginni was a bit over the top with her bubbliness. Cole, the ex-Reg Zoe saved from the Chancellor, I also loved. He is very sweet for being mostly robot. I had a blast getting to know all these new allies!

And then there's Adrien... *swoons* As sweet and gorgeous as ever!

So, ahem, I love Greek mythology. What does that have to do with anything? Well, it was incorporated into Override so nicely with the story of Oedipus and the Oracle...since you know, Adrien has visions and stuff.

And OhMyGods! That twist at the end with Adrien...Max...OMG I could not believe that happened! I was in complete shock! But I do love surprises...but not horrible ones! There was also tons of action and ROMANCE *swoons*

This book was just amazing...playing with all my feels. It made me laugh, anxious (because of the suspense), gave me warm fuzzies, put me in shock, and lots and lots of crying!

If you have not picked up this series yet, what are you waiting for? It's amazing!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)