
Monday, September 23, 2013

Blog Tour- Interview + Giveaway: My Ex From Hell by Tellulah Darling

Hey guys! Welcome to my stop on the blog tour! Today I've got for you and awesome interview with Tellulah Darling AND a giveaway! Let's get started!

My Ex From Hell by Tellulah Darling
(The Blooming Goddess Trilogy #1)
Publication date: April 1st 2013
Genre: Young Adult


Sixteen-year-old Sophie Bloom wishes she’d been taught the following:
a) Bad boy’s presence (TrOuBlE) + teen girl’s brain (DraMa) = TrAuMa (Highly unstable and very volatile.)
b) The Genus Greekulum Godissimus is notable for three traits: 1) awesome abilities, 2) grudges, and 3) hook-ups, break-ups, and in-fighting that puts cable to shame.

Prior to the Halloween dance, Sophie figures her worst problems involve adolescent theatrics, bitchy yoga girls, and being on probation at her boarding school for mouthy behaviour. Then she meets bad boy Kai and gets the kiss that rocks her world.


This breath stealing lip lock reawakens Sophie’s true identity: Persephone, Goddess of Spring. She’s key to saving humanity in the war between the Underworld and Olympus, target numero uno of Hades and Zeus, and totally screwed.

Plus there’s also the little issue that Sophie’s last memory as Persephone was just before someone tried to murder her.

Big picture: master her powers, get her memories back, defeat Persephone’s would be assassin, and save the world. Also, sneak into the Underworld to retrieve stolen property, battle the minions of Hades and Zeus, outwit psycho nymphs, slay a dragon, rescue a classmate, keep from getting her butt expelled from the one place designed to keep her safe …

… and stop kissing Kai, Prince of the Underworld.

My Ex From Hell is a romantic comedy/Greek mythology smackdown. Romeo and Juliet had it easy.

You can find the book on: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

(Also, you can find my 4-star review of My Ex From Hell here, where I gush about this awesome book!)

About the author:

Tellulah Darling
1. YA Novelist
2. Alter ego of former screenwriter and instructor
3. Sassy minx

Geeks out over: cool tech.
Squees for: great storytelling.
Delights in: fabulous conversation.
Writes about: where love meets comedy. Awkwardness ensues.

Author links: Website | Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook

Lili: Tell us 3 random things about yourself.


  1. I manage to be both a hopeless romantic and a horrible cynic at the same time, which means I’m not always sure whether to cheer or heckle.
  2. I tap dance.
  3. I would describe myself as a geek rather than a nerd. I think that nerds are smarter but I have better social skills.

Lili: Describe your novel in a Tweet (140 characters or less).

Tellulah: 16 yr old gets kiss from bad boy at midnight & learns she's Persephone Goddess of Spring & savior of humanity in war btwn Zeus & Hades YIKES

Lili: What led you to write My Ex From Hell?

Tellulah: I’ve always loved the idea of retelling/reshaping classic myths and fairy tales. Playing with them in different contexts. When I started to think about doing that myself, it was Persephone that really spoke to me. I didn’t want to retell the original or simply move the same story to modern day. I wanted her past mostly (with the addition of Kai) as is, and then make it firmly a human struggling to be a goddess. Sophie suddenly has to deal with all these expectations of herself on a global scale. It’s hard enough figuring out who we are as teens, so revealing a goddess identity just threw her into an entirely new pressure cooker. And because I love romantic comedy so much, this whole series, in my head at least, really is a rom-com first and foremost.

Lili: What was your favorite part about writing My Ex From Hell?

Tellulah: The friendships between Sophie, Hannah, and Theo. I’ve read a lot of YA where the protagonist doesn’t really have friends and that works well for those stories. But when I think back to my teen years, my friendships were so important to me. And I knew they were for Sophie as well. I just love the three of them.

Lili: What does your protagonist, Sophie, think of you? Would she want to hang out with you, the author… her creator?

Tellulah: Gawd, no! Maybe by the end of the series, Sophie would consider hanging out with an old person (i.e. someone over 30) but for now, her world is that of her peers. Not that I blame her. Her home life is pretty non-existent and her friends are her family. As for me, personally, I’m sure Sophie wouldn’t think I’m half as clever as I think I am. There would be a lot of eye rolling.

Lili: Can you tell us about any upcoming books?

Tellulah: Well, My Date from Hell comes out on October 31 and I’m hosting the Sassy Girl Swoony God Tourney on my site starting Sept. 16 to help launch it. Which should be a lot of fun. The final book in the trilogy My Life From Hell comes out next year. And after that? My next series is going to be a fantasy romantic comedy that is for older YA readers. More like my first book Sam Cruz’s Infallible Guide to Getting Girls.

Lili: I, personally, am a HUGE fan of Greek mythology! One of my favorite gods is Apollo, the god of medicine and healing (among other things), which would make sense since I’m a nursing student. But what I want to know is who YOUR favorite Greek god/goddess is? Is it someone from your book?

Tellulah: Great question! I think in terms of my classical understanding of the Greeks, it would be Eros because while he embodies love, he is also mischievous and sly. Plus he gets a happily-ever-after with Psyche. But for gods where I’ve made up their personality, it is most definitely what I’ve done with Hephaestus in book two of the series!

Lili: And lastly, if you had a superpower, what would it be and why?

Tellulah: Invisibility because I’m so nosy. I would love to be able to spy and eavesdrop on people to my heart’s content. Which is really shallow given that I could have chosen healing or the ability to make world peace, but I’m a writer so there you go. J

The Rules and Other-Important-Stuff-You-Should-Probably-Read:
  • This giveaway is INT.
  • The e-books will be provided by the author.
  • The winner will be notified by e-mail on Oct. 14th and will have 48 hours to claim the prize, otherwise a new winner will be chosen. (So please, when you sign in to the Rafflecopter form, use an e-mail you check often and double check that it is correct.)
  • Prize will be mailed out on Oct. 21st
  • Must be 13 or older to enter or have parent's permission.
  • 1 entry per person. Duplicate entries will be deleted and participant will be disqualified from this giveaway. The only exception is the "once a day" entries.
  • All entries will be verified. If any are falsified, all entries for that participant will be deleted, and the participant will be disqualified from this giveaway.
  • Void where prohibited by law.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you for stopping by and good luck to everyone who enters the giveaway! Make sure you check out the rest of the tour for more awesome content of My Ex From Hell! And a special thank you to Tellulah Darling for being on my blog today! :)


  1. Hey Liliana, love chatting with you as usual! Thanks so much for hosting My Ex From Hell today. :)

  2. Great interview, ladies! Thanks for being on the tour, Liliana! Your blog is so pretty I love visiting! :)

  3. And, can we see Eros on the book? Or maybe the next one? :)
