
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Review: Relativity (Proximity #2) by M.A. George

Relativity (Proximity, #2)
Title: Relativity

Series: Proximity #2

Previous book in this series: Proximity

Author: M.A. George

Genre: Adult, sci-fi

Publication date: January 2013

Published by: M.A. George

Source: For review from author

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No matter the planet, Palta Capal is an alien.

She’s lived a lifetime where she never belonged…but relocating to the “home world” she’s never seen has her feeling more like an outsider than ever.

Teetering between the thrill of newfound love and the despair of family loss—not to mention the looming threat of global war—Palta doesn’t need any more excitement in her life.

But what she needs and what she gets are two entirely different things.

My rating: ★★★★☆

So, Relativity started right where Proximity left off. Palta, Aeron, and the rest of their crew are headed to their home planet to rescue Palta's dad and stop Obo from taking over that world.

Palta and Aeron are just so sweet! I really love them together and liked seeing their relationship develop and deepen. Aeron is just such a sweet guy... And I seriously have a weakness for sweet guys ;) I also love Palta! She is such an amazing non-human being... trying to save other's lives before her own. She is very noble and humble but fierce and protective of her family. You just can't help but like her and sympathize with her.

The story had lots of action,romance, and we got to meet some new characters with crazy cool powers! Nangi...he really surprised me. He's a pretty amazing old man...

There were several surprising twists in the story, which I always enjoy in a book :) Without giving too much away, a new secret talent is discovered and some crazy stuff happens in the fight scene at the end... I loved it!

What else can I say about Relativity... I really enjoyed the read and cannot wait to find out how things will turn out.

This book is a great combination of sci-fi and paranormal romance...a little bit of everything to satisfy everyone's needs.

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)