
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Review - Thor: The Viking God of Thunder by Graeme Davis

Thor: The Viking God of Thunder
Title: Thor: The Viking God of Thunder

Author: Graeme Davis

Genre: Middle Grade, Norse mythology

Publication date: Sept. 17, 2013

Published by: Osprey Publishing

Source: The publishers via Netgalley (thanks!)

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In the stories of the ancient Vikings, Thor is a warrior without equal, who wields his mighty hammer in battles against trolls, giants, and dragons. He is the god of storms and thunder, who rides to war in a chariot pulled by goats, and who is fated to fall in battle with the Midgard Serpent during Ragnarok, the end of all things. This book collects the greatest myths and legends of the thunder god, while also explaining their historical context and their place in the greater Norse mythology. It also covers the history of Thor as a legendary figure, how he was viewed by different cultures from the Romans to the Nazis, and how he endures today as a popular heroic figure.

My rating: ★★★★☆

As you all may know, I ADORE mythology! I admit that Greek is my favorite and I am not as familiar with Norse as I am with Greek. But that's why I really liked this book! It was very informative in all things Thor, especially myths he is mentioned in, and even some other religious stuff like the Viking's worshiping and the temples they built.

Another thing I really liked were all the illustrations that went along with the myths...they were just a great addition!

Also, there was mention of the Marvel comic books with Thor, and even though I don't read the comics, I am a HUGE fan of The Avengers movies! I absolutely love them (SO ready to go watch the new Thor movie coming out in November 2013)!

Overall, I really liked this reference-type book and learning about all the Thor myths I didn't know about already. The one thing though was that it did read like a reference book sometimes. But I highly recommend to anyone doing research and in need of some Thor info, or even just for fun if you like mythology like I do!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)


  1. Me too! I also adore mythology! And like you, I'm more familiar or shall I say more knowledgeable in Greek mythology than Norse. Nice review, by the way!

    1. Really?? I absolutely LOVE mythology! All types, really :) And I agree. I think most everyone is more familiar with Greek, anyway.
