
Monday, November 4, 2013

Blog Tour- Review + Giveaway: Unchosen (The Reaper Diaries #2) by Michele Vail

Hey guys! Welcome to my stop on this awesome Blog tour! I am so happy to be part of it because I absolutely LOVE this series! Check out my review below, and enter the giveaway!

Unchosen (The Reaper Diaries, #2)
Title: Unchosen

Series: The Reaper Diaries #2

Previous Book in this series: Undeadly

Author: Michele Vail

Genre: YA, paranormal

Publication date: October 29th 2013

Published by: Freeman Publication

Source: For review for blog tour

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I thought the worst of my reaper training was behind me… turns out I was wrong. Dead wrong.

Molly Bartolucci has done a lot of growing up but after being accused of using illegal magic at her school for necromancers, reaper-in-training Molly is treading lightly. As the destined leader of Anubis’s Chosen, she needs to study hard, train harder, and stay out of trouble.

Uh, right.

It doesn’t help that she’s feeling more than academic about her melt-your-bones hot reaping instructor, Rath. And if her relationship drama isn’t enough to drive her over the edge, she has to deal with mother issues, nosy little sisters, suspicious friends, and an unnamed force stalking her at school.

Then her family is attacked, and her bio-dad ends up comatose in the hospital. Now, Molly has to uncover who’s trying to hurt her loved ones—and all without the help of Anubis.

My rating: ★★★★☆

I absolutely loved Undeadly, so I was very excited to read this book! I just love the concept if the story... Two of my favorite things (reapers and Egyptian mythology!) rolled into one? Yes please! The idea of reapers getting they're powers from the Egyptian god Anubis is just brilliant!

Anyway, so in this second installment of The Reaper Diaries, Molly trains to become the next Kebechet, the champion of Anubis, tries to figure out where her relationship with Rath stands, all while also trying to figure out who has put her family in danger. No one said being a reaper was easy ;)

I loved getting back to Molly's story, I just love her voice! It's so much fun being inside her head!

Another thing I loved, Rath! Ugh, he is just so swoon-worthy! Very sweet guy... I heart sweet guys :)

And holy mother of all surprises! We find out something really... Interesting about her. I'm still reeling...

One thing though, because I read Unchosen such a long time ago, there were something's I could just not recall... Like the deal with Aunt Lelia. A little more recap would've been nice.

But overall, I thought it was a great book! The mythology, the reapers, Molly's sass, Rath's super yumminess... I highly recommend this series to anyone looking for something exciting and very fun to read! I can't wait to see what'll happen next!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)

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