
Friday, February 7, 2014

Literary Nails: The Lost Hero (Heroes of Olympus #1) by Rick Riordan

It's pretty obvious that I love anything book related, right? *Looks around blog* Um, yeah, rhetorical question ;) Something you guys may or may not know about me is that I absolutely LOVE doing my nails and trying out new nail designs! Now, I am not the artistic type. In fact, I suck at anything art-related or remotely creative, lol. I can barely draw a freaking stick figure! LOL

The point is, while I may not be the best with art-related things, I try. I love nail art and I wanted to share a little something with you.

Ta-da! Book inspired nail art, just as the title suggests! It all started last week, when I pulled out my gold and turquoise nail polish bottles and I was trying to figure out what design I wanted to do on my nails. While I was thinking about this I wandered over to my book case to pick out something to read. My eyes fell upon The Lost Hero and I thought, "Hey! These nail polishes kinda match the cover!" I looked back and forth between my nail polishes and the book, and suddenly, almost like in the movies, a light bulb went on inside my head! And thus this is how I came up with this nail design!

I did a different design on every nail, which is actually something I never do! They're usually all the same with the exception of my ring finger where I do an accent nail, but that's it. Festus (the dragon on the cover) inspired most of the designs because he is just so geometrical (also, I *heart* Festus!) Squares, rectangles, triangles, and so on. On my ring finger I did a lightning bolt. If you have read the book then you know who Jason is, and that is why I decided to do lightning (I also thought it would look cool... and it totally did!) And if you don't know who Jason is, well, I just gave you a clue ;) I considered doing something for Piper and Leo too, but nothing easy came to mind, lol. Like I said, bad with art, lol! Anyway, on my thumbs I attempted the omega sign you can find at the very top of the book with the series name and... well, it came out fairly decent, I think.

And that's it! It was a very fun design to do, but it did take me a while since I am a huge perfectionist when it comes to my nails!

What I used: a base coat, Shocking Seas (though this turquoise isn't an exact match to the color on the cover... but close enough!), Bold Gold, I ended with a Matte coat (I've been kind of obsessed with Matte lately, lol), plus I used lots and lots of tape to get the designs just right! No free hand ;)

The sad thing about doing my nails is that I cant keep the design for more than a week :( The policies of nursing school say "NO nail polish at the clinical sites!" I'm at the hospital every Tuesday so I usually do my nails Wednesday or Thursday, then remove the design Monday night. BUT as you are reading I am actually working on another design I am especially excited about!! I can't wait to show you guys! :D

Are any of you out there as obsessed with nail polishes as I am?? LOL

I'd love to hear your thoughts!


  1. LOVE this!! It's really cute.

    Maybe flames for Leo? The only thing I can think of for Piper is a heart, but it just feel so un-Piper like. Honestly, though, I think the geometric designs look WAY more awesome than something for Leo & Piper would. I think it adds more of an ancient Greek flare.

    1. Thank you! :D

      These are the only things that came to mind as well! I think the flames would've looked really cool, but they'd probably be hard (for me) to do free-hand, lol.


    They are so pretty!!! I really think that's dumb that you have to take it off though!! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!! I wish I was able to do something cool to my nails, but unfortunately I'm lucky if I'm able to just paint them normal without making a huge mess!! Awesome job, girl!! LOVE it!! (in case I didn't say that enough, haha)

    xo, Becca <33

    1. THANK YOU!!! :D

      I know :( It sucks. But I guess that means I can do more designs instead of keeping just one for a long time.

      Trust me, I make a HUGE mess every time I do my nails too, LOL!

  3. They look great! I've been considering doing some book inspired nail art, too! :D

    I need to pick up a matte top coat. I keep forgetting to grab one while I'm out!

    1. Do it, Angie!! I'd love to see what you come up with!

      I love matte! I can't get enough of it! ;D
