
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Review: Trouble's Brewing (Stirring Up Trouble Trilogy #2) by Juli Alexander

Trouble's Brewing (Stirring Up Trouble, #2)
Title: Trouble's Brewing

Series: Stirring Up Trouble Trilogy #2

Previous book in this series: Stirring Up Trouble

Short story in this same world: Camp Cauldron

Author: Juli Alexander

Genre: YA, paranormal romance

Publication date: November 2012

Published by: Juli Alexander

Source: Bought e-book when it was a freebie on Amazon!

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Fifteen-year-old Zoe has managed to turn her crush into a boyfriend without using any magic at all. But can it really work with Jake when Zoe’s father is dating Jake’s mother? Talk about a dysfunctional family.

After the Frog Fiasco, the Council is watching Zoe’s every move but studying under renowned Potions Master, Martin Finnegan, fulfills a lifelong dream of Zoe’s, even if the ninety-five-year-old man looks like a teenager. Zoe can’t juggle friends, school, potions, and dating without letting something slide, and Trouble’s Brewing as her tutor is forced to reveal deeply hidden truths about her experiments and those of her ancestors.

My rating: ★★★★★

After Zoe's Frog Fiasco last Halloween, the Council decided that the greatest Potions Master of all time would be tutoring Zoe in all things magic. Zoe was, of course, elated! She is a huge fan of Dr. Finnegan! She was going to learn from the best of the best, and he was going to help her find substitutions for ingredients such as (her next project) unicorn horn.

There is one slight problem, though: although he is in his 90s, Dr. Finnegan (or Finn) is young, gorgeous, and looks like he stepped straight off a runway! I dont know why, but I had the notion that he was going to be a cranky, strict, old man. Turns out I was quite wrong! I was surprised that I actually really liked him! He is very knowledgeable (obviously) and very, very kind, and fun! He is very gandfatherly and just really funny! He certainly amuses me :)

Also, Zoe is still trying to get used the idea of her dad and her boyfriend's mom being a couple... can you say awkward? lol. Speaking of romance, Zoe and Jake... they are so cute together! I love them! Jake especially... he is really sweet!

Zoe's mom is really funny, too. She sometimes even acts like a teenager herself, and that is just hilarious! And Milo! I love him! He is such a great friend! There was a little bit of tension going on there for a little bit, and I am really hoping that there wont be a love triangle going on or anything. Also, I still strongly dislike Anya -_- Don't know how (or why!) Zoe puts up with her!

And then Zoe finds out some crazy stuff about her family. It's shocking and it really shakes Zoe to the core. Makes her think twice about her potion-making habits.

This series has become one of my fast favorites! I love the magic component and the consequences for using it for personal gain... it's so funny! It is such a light and fun read and very, very, enjoyable! I can't wait for the next installment in this series!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a comment! :)