
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Showcase Sunday (#47) + Author Signing Event!!

Welcome to Showcase Sunday, hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea. The aim of this event is to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed form the libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders this week. For more information about how this feature works and to join in, click here.

Books for Review:


Thanks to Stone Arch Books and Netgalley for Get Lost, Odysseus! I LOVE Greek mythology, and this series is such a fun read! And also thank you to Disney Book Group and Netgalley for Deep Blue. Not only is the cover gorgeous, but it sounds interesting, too!

Books Bought + Author Signing Event :D

Last Tuesday day night I found out that there was going to be a signing event about 2 and a half hours from were I live on Thursday, and I knew I had to go!! And here is what I got:

Although I did buy this last one, it obviously isn't mine, lol. My cousin couldn't make it to the signing so I got her a little something!

Anyway, although it was a long drive (and I hate long drives), it was a lot of fun! This is only the second signing event I've gone to... The first one was a while ago for Kimberly Derting's release party of The Last Echo, and that was amazing!

(Please ignore my awkwardness... I am very camera shy and I didn't know what to do with my face, LOL)

So, when I went up to Kendare Blake to get my copy signed and I told her my name, she totally recognized me just by my name! How exciting is that?! I was totally fangirling on the inside! I had just helped her with a cover reveal here on my blog, so that's how she remembered me, that was very cool! (You can check out that cover here.) And Kat also recognized me 'cause I was talking to her on Twitter about this event... doubly awesome! And Marissa Meyer said she liked my braid! :D *flails* I unfortunately did not get a picture with Marissa... I think I was all pictured out and there was a ton of people there and that was making me anxious, lol.

I love going to these things and meeting all these authors, and can I just say, they are all so nice! There's an event in June with Nikki Jefford that I'm hoping to be able to go to. I'll be done with school by then, although my graduation is the day before, so I'm really hoping to make it! I've known Nikki now for a long time so it would be so great if I could meet her!

So that's it for me! What bookish things did you get this week? Also, I'd like to know if you've been to any singing events. If so, who did you get to meet??


  1. Woooohoooo!! YAY for bookish events!! You met some awesome authors there Lili!!
    Happy reading and enjoy those signed books!

  2. Pretty signed books! Hooray!

    The cover for Deep Blue is sooo gorgeous, but, ahhh mermaids! I do not like them! *sad face*

    Angie @ Pinkindle
