
Friday, July 4, 2014

Review: Investigating the Hottie by Juli Alexander

Investigating the Hottie
Title: Investigating the Hottie

Series: Investigating the Hottie #1

Author: Juli Alexander

Genre: YA, contmeporary romance, mystery

Publication date: December 2012

Published by: Suasponte Press

Source: Own e-book

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Peterson. Amanda Peterson. When my life suddenly turns into the Princess Diaries meets Mission Impossible, can I do in a week what I haven’t managed to do in all my fifteen years—reel in a hottie?

Investigating the Hottie is a completed young adult romance. When Amanda spends a week with her aunt, Christie, she learns that her aunt is a spy. Christie admits that Amanda has security clearance and has already started her training. When her aunt asks her to investigate a teenage hacker, Amanda thinks that spending time with a nerd should be doable despite her social ineptitude. Unfortunately for Amanda, the hacker is a hottie.

My rating: ★★★★☆

Oh man, this book was such a fun and light read... it was just fantastic!

So we start off with our main character Amanda going to visit her quirky Aunt Christie. What Amanda doesn't expect upon arrival, though, is that the aunt she's known all her life is actually a spy! What?! Even crazier: her aunt has recruited her to help with their current investigation in finding out what Bad, Bad Thing a hacker has planned. Oh, and not to mention that said hacker is a super gorgeous teenager!

I have so much love for this book! There were so many elements that I loved about the book: it was super funny, had really cool gadgets, and, hello, a totally hot and swoon-worthy guy!! Will was just very charming and so nice! Total hottie ;) Amanda's Aunt Christie and her partner Nic were so hilarious! I really loved them and that undeniable chemistry between them. Christie just seemed very carefree and fun while Nidc was all protective of Amanda as if he was actually Christie's boyfriend and Amanda's protective uncle... it's very darling, really :) And Amanda herself, well, she was awesome! So funny and just plain fun to read about.

I really loved the voice of the book, too. It was very well written and that plot twist at the end... whoa! Did not see that coming!

I am officially a fan of Juli Alexander!! I first read her Stirring Up Trouble series and fell completely in love with it, and now this one? Yes please! I need to read ALL of her books! Juli is definitely an author to look out for!

Some of my favorite quotes:

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)


  1. I love the title of this book. It sounds like a fun read.

    1. It is!! The title IS very catchy, and the book is worth a read! It's really fun and cute!

  2. I haven’t read this one yet. It’s not really my style either, but you made it sound really interesting. I might have to try it if I come across it at the library. Nice review!

    1. Oh this one is so fun and cute! It's actually not my typical read either, but Juli's writing is just great!

  3. Looks like a fun read! My niece might enjoy this book!
