
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Review- The Universe Builders: Bernie and the Putty by Steve LeBel

Bernie and the Putty (The Universe Builders, #1)
Title: The Universe Builders: Bernie and the Putty

Series: The Universe Builders #1

Author: Steve LeBel

Genre: YA, high fantasy

Publication date: June 2014

Published by: Argon Press

Source: Review e-copy from the author/publisher

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We have all heard of the fabled perfect being, the Greek God.

Well, how about a geek god? Named Bernie, yet.

Fresh with his diploma from God School, determined but unsure, bright but without confidence, Bernie faces the challenge of building his own universe. If only it were that easy...

An old school rival will do whatever it takes to ensure Bernie's failure, even if it means destroying his world.

It’s god vs. god, guile vs. goodness, where only one of them plays by the rules. Bernie must find a way to outwit his evil foe. If he fails, it will cost him everything.

A fascinating tale of good vs. evil and a young hero on a journey of self-discovery in an original, humorous, fantastic wrapper.

My rating: ★★★★★

What if God got a C- in Universe Building 101?

"Each universe is created by a god, of course, as is required for such things. One of the inconvenient truths is: not all gods are created equal. ... Gods are pretty much like everyone else. They have their own share of overachievers and underachievers, motivated and unmotivated, and talented and not so talented, which explains why some of the universes out there are not really up to professional standards."

Guys this book... I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed it! When Steve LeBel approached me with The Universe Builders I knew I just HAD to read it! Just reading the Blurb intrigued me SO much! The idea sounded very original and refreshing, and let me just say, the book itself did not disappoint!

The book was very well written and the story was very fun and silly, but also with some serious elements. The world Steve has created is very intriguing and it makes you think about our existence. There is a lot of mythology surrounding Creation, and I think because I love mythology, it was just another reason why I felt compelled to read this book.

And our main character Bernie was just awesome! Bernie was not considered the best builder in school because he basically questioned everything. But, in truth, this is what made him smart! He is a critical thinker but he is also very caring and compassionate, especially when it comes to the worlds he creates. He is also sometimes really shy and... what's the word I'm looking for... maybe a bit innocent, but that just makes him really endearing! Bernie was a really likable character and I enjoyed following him on his journey to making his first real universe and dealing with a big fat bully!

Another character I really liked was Suzie! She and Bernie are just so adorable together! I thought she was a great supporting character and very likable, too. Lenny, I was a little iffy about him in the beginning, but he actually turned out to be a great friend to Bernie, as well! And Lenny's little Sissy, Oh My Gods! She is the cutest little creature ever ever!

And Billy... don't even get me started on that kid! He was a jerk! Bernie is such a sweet kid and I really hated Billy for bullying him around and messing with the universe Bernie was trying to create. I really wish Bernie would've stood up to Billy sooner or done something about him, but I also understand why he couldn't do it.

One thing that confused me at first was the incorporated story of Alcandor's planet. I had no idea what it had to do with Bernie. But once I figured out what it was... WOW! It was pretty amazing and something I was not expecting at all! Speaking of Alcandor, I really liked him! Although he was too smart for his own good, I loved how curious he was about everything. But I especially loved how fatherly he was toward Bernie when Bernie's own infamous father is nowhere to be seen.

I cannot express how awesome this book was! I'll just leave this GIF here to tell you how I feel...


I really, really loved the concept, the story, the world building, the characters... just everything! I cannot wait to read more of Bernie's world, 'cause there will be more! I may or may not have grilled Steve about this in an interview ;) Anyway, I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for something original with fantasy and humor!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :) And stay tuned for tomorrow's interview with Steve LeBel and a GIVEAWAY!! :D


  1. Thank you so very much for a wonderful review. It's great to find astute reviewers who understand and appreciate the dynamics going on in the book. It's also fun to know that you hate Billy as much as I do. ;-)

    I would tell your readers your interview with me was the most interesting and fun interview I have ever done. You not only customized your questions to my book and to me, but you had some fun questions that got at things that would never have come out otherwise.

    Thank you again. It's been a pleasure.


    1. Thanks! I really enjoyed having you on my blog! :)

  2. Great review! Can't wait to read it! I love it when a book gives you all the feels and you just can't not tell everyone about the awesome book you just read!

    1. Yes! Exactly! :D I really hope you can read it soon 'cause it's that awesome!

  3. I liked your review. Like you I like mythology and this sounds like a fun read. Thank you

    1. Then I highly recommend this one to you! I really think you'll like it! :)

  4. Your review is great. Can't wait to read the book!!!
