
Friday, September 12, 2014

Blog Tour - Review + Giveaway: Call Me Grim by Elizabeth Holloway

Call Me Grim (Call Me Grim, #1)
Title: Call Me Grim

Author: Elizabeth Holloway

Genre: YA, paranormal

Publication date: September 9, 2014

Published by: Month9Books

Source: E-ARC for review

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The truck should have turned Libbi Piper into a Libbi Pancake — and it would have, too, if Aaron hadn’t shown up and saved her life. The problem? Aaron’s the local Grim Reaper… and he only saved Libbi’s life because he needs someone to take over his job. Now, Libbi has two days to choose between dying like she was supposed to, or living a lonely life as Death Incarnate. Talk about a rock and a hard place.

And the choice goes from hard to sucktastic when her best friend shows up marked: condemned as a future murderer. Libbi could have an extra week to stop the murder and fix the mark… but only if she accepts Aaron’s job as Reaper, trapping herself in her crappy town forever, invisible and inaudible to everyone except the newly dead. But, if she refuses? Her best friend is headed straight for Hell.
My rating: ★★★★☆

When I first came across this book and saw that it was about reapers, I knew I had to read it! Call me morbid (see what I did there? lol), but I LOVE reapers! And this book did not disappoint! It was awesome!

Libbi was a very likable character, and I really felt for her! She was very easy to connect to, which was great! Libbi's little brother Max was the BEST! He's just your average sweet but annoying little brother. But oh my gods did I love him! There was this one part where he was saying that Aaron was Libbi's boyfriend and, like any other annoying little brother, he started being embarrassing and started "making out" with himself not knowing Aaron was right there! It was the funniest thing EVER! I could not stop laughing!

And Aaron, Holy WOW! I swear he was swoon-worthy from the start! He was very sweet and a huge goofball, which I loved! He also has a deep dark secret, and it made me sad not only to find out what he had to do, but also every time he was morose when he thought about it. I just wanted to give him a big hug! I adored him, to say the least!

You're too precious for this world! - 2x15 Tall TalesI'm here for you. You brave little soldier. I acknowledge your pain. You're too precious for this world! - 2x15 Tall Tales

As for the story itself, it was great! It seemed like things would end bad for Libbi one way or another: she would either die or become a reluctant reaper. I honestly had no idea how things would end. But when the book did end I just felt like crying! Maybe it was because I just thought things would end badly for Libbi, Aaron, and Kyle, when things actually seemed to work out. Or maybe it was because the solution wasn't the most ideal. I don't know! But overall I really did love it! The romance, all the crazy things going on with the murderer-to-be, and Libbi's impending death or lack of... all the crazy twists were just great! I really loved the authors take on reapers and the the cool powers that she gave them. Definitely a great paranormal read!

  • Five (5) digital copies of Call Me Grim by Elizabeth Holloway (INT)
  • One (1) winner will receive a digital copy of Call Me Grim by Elizabeth Holloway AND a $10 Amazon Gift Card or B&N Gift Card – Winner’s Choice (INT)

Winner will be drawn October 11, 2014!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :) And make sure to follow the rest of the tour for more awesome content!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review Call Me Grim. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
