Welcome to Showcase Sunday, hosted by Books, Biscuits and Tea. The aim of this event is to showcase our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed form the libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders this week. For more information about how this feature works and to join in, click here.
Well, I haven't done one of these in a while, lol. Here is all get the last two, hmm, I think the last two months or so.
For Review:
I finished reading God's Play, and while I was super excited to read it, it didn't live up to my expectations :( I am also currently reading Ted Saves the World, and so far it's an okay read, though I'm a little confused as too what exactly is going on... hoping for a little more explanation.
I'm excited to read these next two books in the Twisted Fate series, seeing as how things were left off in the last book... so much crazy! And A Place Beyond... the last book in the series! I cannot wait to read it and get my dose of Ethan <3 Oooh, and Holiday Magic... I am very excited to read that one... it's a novella in Nikki Jefford's Spellbound Trilogy and you all know how much I love a witchy read! So exciting! :D
I've already read both Cold Shadows and Soulprint, and they were both awesome!! I am also excited to read Hellhole... I know it's going to be a lot of fun! :)
I have also finished reading this one, while I was on vacation :) It was a lot of fun as usual, though a little bit more intense than the last two.
Okay, so all these books have been sitting in my Smashwords library FOREVER! I was recently going through my books when I remembered that the author, Dave Ferraro, was so awesome as to gift me books #0.5-4 of his Hunters of the Dark series via Smashwords! So I finally downloaded all of them to my Kindle :) Thank you SO much Dave! (Also, look it how yummy the cover on book 3 is... *drools*)
Library Books:
I've been meaning to finish reading The Body Finder series for the past... weeks, lol. I'll get to it eventually ;) Oh, and I am almost done with Undead, and can I just say, it is a lot of fun so far! Really liking it!! :)
Amazon Freebie:
This little novella takes place in the Stirring Up Trouble series, which I absolutely LOVE! I cannot wait to read it!!
I don't remember which, it might have been Strange Angels, but I traded one of my books for this one with another blogger! It's signed, too! :D
And this Halloween season I went a little crazy with Fear Street books, hehehe. I didn't actually read any though because that was when I was in the middle of my reading slump :( BUT I am planning on reading the Silent Night trilogy soon-ish! I only have two of the three books, so I need to find the other one!
What bookish things did you get this week?

It must have been a while indeed! Very cool haul, Lili!