
Monday, January 19, 2015

Review: How to Destroy the New Girl's Killer Robot Army (Slug Pie Story #3) by Mick Bogerman

How to Destroy the New Girl's Killer Robot Army (Slug Pie Story #3)
Title: How to Destroy the New Girl's Killer Robot Army

Series: Slug Pie Story #3

Previous books in this series: How to Navigate Zombie Cave and Defeat Pirate Pete (#1) | How to Rid Your Swimming Pool of a Bloodthirsty Mermaid (#2)

Author: Mick Bogerman

Genre: Middle Grade, paranormal

Publication date: October 2014

Published by: Slug Pie Stories, LLC

Source: Paperback for review from Publishers

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When Savannah "Van Demon" Diamond comes to town she ruins everything for Mick. She takes over his favorite hang out, outruns him in gym class, and worst of the worst—his little brother has a crush on her. Devising a plan to get her kicked out of school and moved out of Beachwood is simple. Dealing with Savannah’s mind-blowing revenge is Mick’s most challenging adventure yet.

Join Mick as he thwarts insidious traps and deadly weaponry, fighting against the most cunning of enemies. Catastrophe looms for all of Beachwood unless Mick can put aside his pride, join forces with his rival, and destroy the new girl’s killer robot army.

My rating: ★★★★☆

Meet the new (and totally evil!) girl Savannah. She and Mick do not get a long at ALL, so Mick devises a plot to send her back where she came from. I'm talking fake lice and psychotic robots who want to shoot your face clear off with a freakin' laser... the whole enchilada! So now it's up to Mick to stop the new girl and the killer robot army before things get from worse to worse than worse, if you get what I'm saying.

The New Girl's Killer Robot Army was a lot of fun and very creative! Though I thought this one was a little more intense than the last two books, in my opinion (I'm talking near death experience here!), overall it was just has this really adventurous feel to it that will definitely appeal to the young readers (and those young at heart). I also really love all the diverse characters (including the minor, side character who actually gave this story much more depth and interest!) and even the addition of a new character who was portrayed as the antagonist. Seeing the relationship between Mick and Savannah change from one thing to another was interesting to see, especially considering how different their relationship was from Finley and Savannah's relationship. Even more interesting was seeing how Finley's budding friendship with Savannah was affecting his relationship with his brother Mick... oh the drama! ;) And then the whole thing with the killer robot army... boy did I not see that coming! “Oscar” is one crazy (yet weirdly intelligent) robot!

This was another great book in an equally amazing series! A book I will definitely be passing along to the little brothers for sure! I cannot wait to read next one and see what trouble the brothers get themselves into!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)


  1. I have this series on my wish list. They look so fun! Thanks for sharing your review:)

    1. Oh it is! You definitely need to get around to it soon!

  2. I haven't heard of this series before, but that cover is so darn cute that it makes me want to read it! (Yep, I totally judge books by their covers!).

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Doesn't everyone, though? Lol. This series is really good! Even though it is aimed for those of the younger ages, lol, it was a lot of fun!
