
Friday, September 4, 2015

Review: Valentine's Day Sucks by Juli Alexander

Valentine's Day Sucks (A Young Adult Romance Novella)
Title: Valentine's Day Sucks

Author: Juli Alexander

Genre: YA, paranormal romance

Publication date: January 2012

Published by: Juli Alexander

Source: Own e-book

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Who would have thought that a night of babysitting could change her life forever?

Since his little sister bit her in November, Matt Johnson has kept her alive. Only Natalie could have a hot guy climb through her bedroom window every night and have it mean absolutely nothing romantic. Natalie works hard to hide her crush on Matt because the last thing this newly-turned vampire needs to deal with is a broken heart. Her insecurities about Matt come to a head when the mothers insist on them going to the Valentine's dance together. Will this Valentine's Day suck worse than all her previous Valentine's days?

My rating: ★★★★★

Another (surprisingly) fun short story. I say surprisingly because I don't read many short stories... I love my full length novels, especially if they're a series! I also say surprisingly because I'm not a big vampire fan, but seeing as how I pretty much love everything Juli Alexander writes, I decided to give this a shot.

While on a babysitting job, the little girl Natalie is caring for, Ashley, bites her. No big deal, right? Well, this mere bite actually turned Natalie into a vampire! That's right, the family she babysat for are vampires. So crazy! Anyway, Ashley's older brother Mat then takes on the responsibility of taking care of this new vampire and keeping her a secret from his parents.

Valentine's Day Sucks was such a cute and sweet story! Mat was super sweet--I loved him! I just loved the sexual tension between Natalie and Mat! Juli always writes super adorable romances :) As a girl who's not the biggest fan of short stories, I absolutely loved this one! On the one hand I wish there was more because it was so amazing, but on the other, it wrapped up really nicely! I highly recommend it and anything else by Juli Alexander!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)


  1. I loved this short story. I wish she would revisit something like this. I read Stirring Up Trouble by her, but I love this one so much more. Glad to see you liked it!

    1. That would be amazing if she did! Although I thought it wrapped up nicely I would not be against that idea ;) lol
