
Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday Post #84: Update (AKA Where the Hell I Have Been)

Welcome to The Sunday Post hosted by Kimba @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer, where I talk about what is going on in life and the blog, and show you all the bookish things I got that week! Let's get started!

None of you are probably asking yourselves where in the world I have been these past few months, but I'm gonna tell you anyway, LOL.

So last year in late September I finally got a job, YAY! I started working with a home health agency meaning that I would be going to patients home and caring for them there. What I didn't know then was that the patient I would be taking care of was ONE HOUR AND A HALF away and I would half to drive there every day! Guys, that's 3 HOURS of driving 5 days a week! And guess what, I'm still going!! It's such a nightmare, the driving that is. Especially this winter weather. I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this because honestly, I am sick of it. The patient and the family are great, but the driving... ugh!

So yeah, blogging ceased because I was exhausted almost everyday, especially 'cause I got home so late. I admire people who work full time and then come home and blog consistently. You guys are awesome! I hope to be like you one day, lol.

Next, I went on vacation... yay! We left mid December and just came back before the new year started, and it was AWESOME! First of all, I didn't have to drive 3 hours a day, so that's a plus, lol. Second we went to Mexico to see family we haven't seen in forever. It was so great, though I do admit I started getting homesick be the end of our 2nd week there, hehe.

On a side note, I HATE FLYING! Not the flying itself, just the whole airport thing is SO tedious! On our way back from Mexico our flights got delayed a ridiculous amount of time. See, we were set to leave Guadalajara at 6 am on a Tuesday and get to Seattle that same day at 2 pm, and I was so happy 'cause we would get here still early in the day. But no. We left Mexico at 1 pm and got to Seattle nearly at midnight. Oh, but that's not all. We live about 3 hours away from Seattle so we still had drive home after. To tell you I was exhausted afterward is an understatement. We didn't sleep for 48 hours! (We were up since Monday at like 8 am and left to the airport at around 1 am that night). 48 HOURS.

Then (yep, there's more) I got the stomach flu 1 day after we got home -_- Just my luck. I'm still getting over it now. And guess what, because the stomach flu wasn't bad enough I now have a cough too!! *sigh*

So yeah, that's what's been going on.

And I've missed this SO MUCH! I am ready to come back, even though I'm still driving 3 hours a day for work and don't have much time in the evening. But we'll see how things go. I felt so bad for just disappearing like that and for so long, but I'm really trying not to because this is a hobby after all. It's supposed to be a just-for-fun sort of thing.

Wish me luck!


Posts you may have missed:

Book Blitz: Divine Vices by Melissa Parkin


Book Haul




[Click the image to take you to the Amazon page! But check the price first to make sure it's still free!]

Other Freebies I didn't personally buy, but you should definitely check them out 'cause Janetter Rallison is awesome :)


[Click the image to take you to the Amazon page! But check the price first to make sure it's still free!]


This was a Book Outlet haul from back in October. FYI, I love C.J. Hill's (AKA Janette Rallison) stuff!

In this picture you will see that I got supper lucky when I found a couple of signed Rick Riordan books at the store, eeep!! I was so surprised 'cause that never happens in this small-ish town!

Another Book Outlet haul. This one was from November and I found a ton of Fear Street books and that made me super excited so I got all the ones I found :)

And this one I bought while I was getting coffee at Hastings one day after work :)


I finally read The Crown of Ptolemy and it was AWESOME! Best crossover EVER!

Also, guys, I paid like $4 for My Fairly Dangerous Godmother a little while ago but you can get it for FREE! Yes, it is FREE RIGHT NOW! Go get it! That whole series is amazing! Just click on the image and it will take you to the Amazon page! (Make sure to double check that it is free before you buy it, though.)

For Review:

Sanctuary Bay

Thanks so much to St. Martin's Griffin for this! It sounds so awesome!

How was your guy's week? Get any bookish things? Let me know in the comments below or leave me a link to your post!


  1. 3 hour drives? Oh goodness me, this reminds me of life back in Southern California. It can be draining and can take a toll on ones mental and physical stability, I know this first hand :/ I'm terribly sorry you have to go through this. I hope you are able to find a solution or possibly relocate?

    Wishing you all the best!

  2. Gah, 3 hours drive commute time?? That's insane! I'm so glad I work at the local hospital, and now that I've moved to my new apartment, I live even closer to work, and that's a relief! I hope you can find something else closer... maybe ask the agency??

    Glad to have you back though!

  3. Woah, that's a long commute. A friend of mine works as a speech therapist in a school and she drives about that every day too. I can't even imagine! I'm glad you had a nice vacation, though sorry about getting home so late and then getting sick. Ugh. That's the worse!

    Welcome back though,


  4. So hectic! 3 hours is a crazy commute time. I thought my hour and a half was bad (I take the bus).

    I'm glad to see you back though! :D

  5. I feel so sorry for you having to drive three hours a day. You need to get some audiobooks to make your drive tolerable! I can completely understand why you'd have a hard time finding time for blogging.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
