
Monday, July 4, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #78: Finishing Up The Curse Workers!

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Journey.

[Images take you to books' Goodreads page!]

What I finished reading:

White Cat (Curse Workers, #1)

Currently reading:

Red Glove (Curse Workers, #2)

Up next:

Black Heart (Curse Workers, #3)

The first two books are a re-read for me because I actually initially read this series exactly FIVE years ago! Can you believe it? And on my Random Read post it was decided that I should finish up this series. (I am trying really hard to finish as many series I can this year that I previously started.) And I am actually very much enjoying it the second time around, as well! It has even surprised me (again!) in some parts!

I reread books not because I forgot. I reread to make sure I remember... Although if I'm being honest with myself, it's sometimes the 1st one ;):  Re-reading:

What are you reading this week?

1 comment:

  1. I´m reading finding Cinderela by Colleen Hoover.
