
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Reading Decathlon Challenge: Wrap Up

So, I did the challenge and now it's done. How did I do, you ask? Well...

I failed! *cries* I'm actually not that surprised. 10 books in 10 days is insane for me personally. I started off good, then I fell behind, then I caught up, but then I fell behind again and there was no saving me. Lol. It was a lot of fun though! Here is what I did end up reading:

Reading Decathlon Challenge: August 15 - August 24

Read August 15th

Red Glove (Curse Workers, #2)

(Re)read August 15 - August 16

Paxton Private Investigations (Paxton Private Investigations, #1)

Read August 17 - August 18

Tainted (Broken, #2)

Read August 18th

Can You Keep a Secret? (Fear Street Relaunch, #4)

Read August 19th

The Dead Boyfriend (Fear Street Relaunch, #5)

Read August 20 - August 22

Spookygirl: Paranormal Investigator

August 23 - Now

The Reaper's Daughter

So that's technically 6 books (6.25 if you want to get specific ;) haha) 'cause I'm still not done with that last one. But even though I didn't read 10 books as I wanted, I am happy with 6! It got me back reading! I actually hadn't read for a long while. It's sad I know.

I would love to try this challenge again and beat this "score" and continue to take this challenge until I get to 10! That would be amazing! So thank you Epic Reads for this epic and fun challenge! ;)

Did you guys do this challenge? If so, how did you do? Are you still doing it now? Good luck! If not, would you ever try something like this? How do you think you would do?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't take part in this one, but even though you didn't hit 10, that's still a lot of books in 10 days!
