
Friday, December 2, 2016

Review: Practical Applications for Multiverse Theory by Nick Scott & Noa Gavin

Practical Applications for Multiverse Theory
Title: Practical Applications for Multiverse Theory

Author: Nick Scott & Noa Gavin

Genre: YA, paranormal

Publication date: April 2016

Published by: Inkshares

Source: For review from publisher via Netgalley

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Scott's teacher is a demon. She wasn't always like this. Mid-way through the class, between Scott looking from the board to his paper and back again, she transformed into a hell-creature bent on killing Scott. Meanwhile Davey watches the janitor turn into a sloth a sloth who wears a cowboy hat and chaps that read, "Slow Ride."

Things aren't going well. Something's gone wrong. Things that shouldn't be in this universe are sliding in and taking root here. People who should be here are gone, transformed into something else. Some are dying. Some are on fire. Some can unhinge their jaws and absorb their crushes via their tooth-lined throats.

Scott and Davey are the only ones who are aware of this, who can see it happening. They're the only ones who can do anything about this, apparently. But they're only armed with school supplies and a deep-seated hatred of one another."

My rating: ★★★★★

Holy sh*t! This book was freaking amazing! Practical Applications for Multiverse Theory was a lot of fun, action-packed, and just perfect!

What initially caught my attention about this book was the title. If it hadn’t been for that I would’ve missed out on this gem. I love superhero stuff and in the DC world they also have a multiverse. It is particularly prominent in The Flash TV show right about now. So yeah, the title gave me pause, and I am so glad it did! The idea of the multiverse is SO intriguing and this book executed it amazingly! I loved seeing all the different universes and how they were bleeding into our own. There was some very interesting stuff out there, to say the least. My favorite thing from these universes was definitely the Death By Horny Cowboy Sloths... Yep, that’s a thing that happened. Lol. It was pretty amazing. There were so many other crazy things, you just gotta read it yourself.

Practical Applications for Multiverse Theory had a great array of diverse characters. I really liked the team up between Scott and Davey--I always love a good forced team up between two very different characters. It’s just so fun and amusing! I love those interactions.

Overall, well, I obviously loved this book! It was so much fun, hilarious, and had action from start to finish! I also really liked the dual POV, which is something I don’t typically care for. Practical Applications for Multiverse Theory was just very well written and thought out--I pretty much loved every aspect of it! I highly recommend it! My review will not do it justice!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)

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