
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Review: Fairy Bad Day by Amanda Ashby

Fairy Bad Day
Title: Fairy Bad Day

Author: Amanda Ashby

Genre: YA, urban fantasy

Publication date: June 2011

Published by: Speak

Source: Own Paperback

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While most students at Burtonwood Academy get to kill demons and goblins, fifteen-year-old Emma gets to rid the world of little annoying fairies with glittery wings and a hipster fashion sense. She was destined to be a dragon slayer, but cute and charming Curtis stole her spot. Then she sees a giant killer fairy and it's invisible to everyone but her! If Emma has any chance of stopping this evil fairy, she's going to need help. Unfortunately, the only person who can help is Curtis. And now, not only has he stolen her dragon-slayer spot, but maybe her heart as well! Why does she think it's going to be a fairy bad day?

My rating: ★★★★★

I LOVED this book! In fact, I’ve read twice! And I loved it just as much as the first time around! I really liked the concept—it was very different and quite interesting. Fairy Bad Day actually takes place in the same world as Zombie Queen of Newbury High, another Amanda Ashby book that I absolutely loved! I just really love this world, and I also love my Easter Eggs :)

I also loved our stubborn main character Emma. You can totally understand why she is so unhappy and distraught. I mean, a fairy slayer?


It’s a joke, right? WRONG! Poor Emma... and here she thought she was going to be a dragon slayer, like her mother. Instead, who gets it? Curtis. The cute, sweet guy Emma is forced to work with on a project. I loved their dynamic! It was so funny and awkward, Emma resenting him and all. But I also loved seeing how their relationship shifted from one thing to another. That bit of romance was just so adorable!

The story itself was very fun and adventurous. You have a giant, killer fairy that only Emma can see and no one believes her about it!

all the bleh the echh

Except she has awesome friends who have her back and will help her in taking down this killer fairy.

fight the fairies

Oh, and Emma also has tiny, annoying fairies to bribe ;) These guys were hilarious! And not as tough as they’d like to think they are ;)

fight the fairies!

Fairy Bad Day was a hilarious, action-packed, fun read with a dash of romance. I also loved the mythos in this book, the way all the elementals were explained. I thought that was very interesting. Anyway, I am officially a fan of Amanda Ashby! I need to read all her books ASAP!

Some of my favorite quotes:

I also did some nail art inspired by this book!

You can check out the full post here!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)


  1. I really like the fact how you had a bunch of memes to show that you really liked the book. Also, the quotes that you have placed...It seems like a good book!

    1. Thanks! It was very helpful that Supernatural had a whole episode dedicated to faeries 😂
