
Monday, June 5, 2017

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? #94: All the Horror!

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Kathryn at Book Date / Teach Mentor Text & Unleashing Reads.

[Images take you to books' Goodreads page!]

What I finished reading this past week:

One Evil Summer (Fear Street, #25) The Haunting of Hex House (Young Adult Horror, #3) Come to the Cemetery (Young Adult Horror, #1) Because We Told Her To

The Dead Lifeguard (Fear Street Super Chiller, #6) Summer Horror (Fear Street Collector's Edition, #6) The Librarians and the Mother Goose Chase (The Librarians, #2)

I read some Fear Street then 3 short horror stories, some more Fear Street, and some Librarians! Honestly, the Fear Street omnibus (the second to last book) is only there 'cause I just really need help with my reading challenge (another reason for the short stories this week). But I actually do own the omnibus and I did read it all! So that's not really cheating, is it? 😉 LOL

Currently reading:

High Tide (Fear Street Superchiller, # 12)

I'm just really feeling the summer on Fear Street, okay? Lol. The only reason why I haven't read Sunburn from the omnibus I mentioned above, is because I just read it last summer! Lol. Also, I know it's not summer yet and that I got a bit of an early start on it, but it just feels like it! It's been insanely hot where I live! And by insanely hot I mean high 80s which isn't hot at all, but I just hate anything hotter than 70 degrees Fahrenheit, lol. Hurray for the indoors and AC! 😊

Up next:

I'm actually not quite sure what I want to read next. I haven't decided whether I want to continue on with the horror or switch to something else. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what my mood dictates, lol.

What are you reading this week?

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