
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Review: Beach House by R.L. Stine

Beach House (Point Horror, #22)
Title: Beach House

Series: Point Horror

Author: R.L. Stine

Genre: YA, horror, mystery thriller

Publication date: August 1991

Published by: Scholastic

Source: Own paperback

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The sun is hot. The water's cold. And the kids are cool. Too cool to live. Because a killer is stalking them, one by one. A killer who never leaves a clue. Who disappears as completely as a footprint in the sand.

A killer who has found a very special place in the sun

for some very special sun...

My rating: ★★★☆☆

There are a couple of parts to this book that alternate between the summer of 1956 and the summer in the present (which I’m assuming is in 1992 because that’s when this book is published. Lol), each with their own set of characters. And these two different groups of friends in these two different decades are connected by a beach house... and murder.

In 1956 we have this group of friends who are joined by Buddy who is basically a tourist vacationing in this beach town. Initially I felt really bad for Buddy ‘cause he just wanted to make friends and hang out, but these awful kids just picked on him. One girl, Maria, seemed to actually be pretty decent, and he was interested in her! But boy did that last like one second. It turns out peer pressure is greater than your own moral compass.

Anyway, the point is she turned out to be a bitch as well when Buddy didn’t deserve it. Not at first, anyway...

And then, in the present, we have another group of friends who could also be better people. Our main girl Ashley? I hated her! So she has a boyfriend Ross, but...

She liked to flirt with guys. It was fun
Harmless fun.
Why couldn’t Ross just lighten up?

She was particularly into the new guy Brad, and she showed her attraction for him... right in front of her boyfriend! She is practically rubbing it in Ross’s face and then she gets all offended when he gets jealous. Girl, stop! You can’t really blame the poor guy when he’s got a pretty good reason for being mad! Ugh!

Anyway, I didn’t really care for any of the characters—most of them were awful! But it did have a pretty cool plot twist I enjoyed! How these two sets of characters in different times are connected... wow! I was really not expecting it!

Overall, it was an okay read. I didn’t care for the characters, but the mystery spanning decades was interesting and the plot twists were pretty cool! I can always count on R.L. Stine to deliver a plot twist that will surprise me!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)

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