
Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Review: Down Time (I Hunt Killers #0.1) by Barry Lyga

Down Time (I Hunt Killers, #0.1)
Title: Down Time

Series: I Hunt Killers #0.1

Author: Barry Lyga

Genre: YA, horror, mystery thriller

Publication date: August 2018

Published by: Hachette

Source: Purchased ebook

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Billy Dent is the world's most notorious serial killer, but even killers need to go on vacation sometimes. When a mysterious death occurs in the hotel where Billy is staying, his "job" seems to call. Will his vacation truly be down time for him after all?

In this prequel novella to the I Hunt Killers trilogy, bestselling author Barry Lyga crafts a creepy, intricately plotted mystery.

My rating: ★★★★★

This was my first introduction to the world of I Hunt Killers and I absolutely loved it! It was SO good! So our serial killer Billy Dent goes off on vacation when suddenly he's got a murder on his hands. Funnily enough, it was one he didn't commit.

There was only one way to solve the problem, Billy realized. Without intending to, he chuckled at the very thought. He was going to have to solve this murder.

so funny

Something that surprised me about this novella was that it was pretty funny in places. I loved that! I was so very pleasantly surprised!

And one thing I gathered from from reading this very short story is how much Billy loves his son Jasper. I really love seeing this side of these cold-hearted killers. I have not read the major trilogy (yet) so I don't know how they're relationship is presently, but Billy clearly loves his son in his own way.

Overall, I really loved this novella! There was a very interesting mystery, plus I loved seeing Billy's inner workings in dealing with death and how he handled this certain (complicated) situation he suddenly found himself in. It was awesome! He is so good at thinking on his feet! I really enjoyed following him around as he tried to solve the mystery.

I've been wanting to get started on this series for a very long time! And reading this short story, well, the series seems very promising and I am SO excited to get a start on it!

So excite!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)


  1. I haven't read this book yet, but it sounds like it was one you really enjoyed.

  2. I like it. And now I have to read this series!

    1. It sounds great, doesn't it? I'm excited to get a start on the actual books myself. Lol.

  3. Awesome, now this one looks like something I'd enjoy.
