
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Review: Funhouse by Diane Hoh

Title: Funhouse

Series: Point Horror

Author: Diane Hoh

Genre: YA, horror, mystery thriller

Publication date: 1990

Published by: Scholastic

Source: Library book

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When The Devil's Elbow roller coaster goes off its track and several teenagers are hurt, everyone thinks it was just an accident. So no one listens when Tess says she saw someone tampering with the track. — But one person knows it's true. That person is playing a deadly game—and is going to make sure Tess doesn't stand in the way. Tess soon finds she's being terrorized, with threatening notes, menacing phone calls, slashed tires and nasty pranks. When another "accident" occurs in the Funhouse, Tess is sure that she was the intended victim. Who is committing all these horrifying acts? And why?

Tess is just beginning to realize that the Funhouse can scare you... to death.

My rating: ★★★★☆

Tess is spending an afternoon down at the boardwalk hanging at the amusement park with her friends. This is something she does regularly, but this time Tess witnesses an awful roller coaster crash. Tess then sees a figure sneakily running away from the scene after the fact, making Tess think this “accident” might not have been so accidental after all. Especially after she starts receiving threats and being stalked by someone. And not even her friends are safe as more “accidents” happen. But the thing is, Tess thinks the culprit might be one of said friends. Could it really be one of them? Could one of her friends actually be after her?

Speaking of these friends, my one issue with this book was that I did have a little trouble at beginning keeping all the characters straight. I mean, it wasn’t too bad. There were quite a bit of characters, but they weren't introduced all at once like some other books. My favorite character was definitely the best friend Gina. I loved her! She was so funny and very sweet! Our main character Tessa was okay. She was kind of bitter and cynical at times. But I did like that at the end, during the fight with the big bad, she got herself out of trouble without some guy coming to her rescue. You go Tess! And speaking of guys, the romance in this book was, well, it was nonexistent, and I am totally okay with that! But the thing is, Tess does have a sort-of-boyfriend who she doesn’t really seem to get along with? Sam tries to be there for Tess, but they always end up arguing. It was a very strange relationship.

But yeah, I really liked this book overall! And apparently this is my first Diane Hoh book. I could’ve sworn I’d read other stuff by her, but no! Or maybe I did back in middle school when I was into these books and just don’t remember? I have read other Point Horror books by other authors though. Anyway, the point is that I liked this! It was very well written! I really enjoyed her writing style! And the scene at the beginning with the crash was absolutely brutal! It was insane! And I loved it! Lol.

The book is mainly told in 3rd person in the POV of Tess, but it actually alternates with a 1st person POV of the killer! I loved this! So the killer finds journal that reveals juicy secrets, and this is what sends him on his murderous path. We get to see what’s in the journal plus some of the killer’s inner thoughts, all without giving away the person's identity. This was very cool! I was always looking forward to these little snippets inside the killer’s head! And thing with the killer, I totally understand their motive. It’s awful what they’re doing, but I get why. Poor kid.

The mystery surrounding the whole boardwalk thing was good! I, just like Tess, suspected literally everyone! Well, everyone but the actual killer! Oh my god I did not see it coming! At all! And even though I was surprised by the reveal, which I love, there really wasn’t much foreshadowing (not that I remember seeing, anyway) as to this particular person being the killer. It almost came out of left field. But then again, maybe I just missed the clues?


Another thing I loved was the setting at an amusement park! First of all, I love amusement parks as it is—they’re so fun! But throw in something creepy, and I’m all in! Yes please and thank you! Lol. The park itself isn't really horror-themed, per se, but just awful things happen there.

But yeah, I really liked this book! I had an awesome setting, it was quite suspenseful, and the mystery kept me guessing till the very end. I am really looking forward to reading more books by Diane Hoh!

Updated cover:


Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)


  1. My Precious! LOL I would love to read this!

  2. I just thought how odd that comment might be. I was quoting from Lord Of The Rings but I'm pretty sure you knew that.

  3. I've never heard of this author. Thank you for introducing.

    1. Oh she's been around for a while. I am looking forward to reading more books by her!

  4. This book sounds amazing! I haven't read a book told in this format before and that intrigues me. Thanks for the excellent review.

  5. This must be why I don't go on roller coasters! Sounds like a great plot and setting!

    1. 😂 I actually love roller coasters, but I can see what you mean. Lol.
