
Friday, October 19, 2018

Review: The Thrill Club (Fear Street #24) by R.L. Stine

The Thrill Club (Fear Street, #24)
Title: The Thrill Club

Series: Fear Street #24

Author: R.L. Stine

Genre: YA, horror, mystery thriller

Publication date: May 1994

Published by: Archway Paperback

Source: Purchased paperback

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Talia Blanton could scare you to death.

She writes horror stories—stories that often give her friends starring roles.

Everyone loves Talia’s terrifying tales—until they start to come true. One by one, Talia’s friends become Talia’s victims.

Is Talia making her stories come true? Or is someone trying to turn Talia’s real life into a horror story?

My rating: ★★☆☆☆

They're dying to join.

I liked the idea of stories becoming reality and the characters dying the way they did in said stories. Unfortunately, that’s pretty much all I liked about this book. It’s even more unfortunate because this is one of the first Fear Street books I ever read... EVER! This was probably the first or second Fear Street book I read back when I was in middle school, so I had high hopes for it. Things did not go well (for me).

First of all, Talia wasn’t even the one who wrote these stories. Her boyfriend Seth did! And this isn’t even a spoiler because it’s mentioned in the first chapter. Anyway, speaking of Talia, she was our main character and I didn’t like her. She was very petty and self absorbed. She kept talking shit about the other girls, her “friends,” saying how she’s so much prettier than them. Ugh! And she does this a couple of times, too. Also, Seth seems like such a nice, sweet guy and she doesn’t appreciate him. She takes advantage of the poor guy even while he’s going through a tough time after the death of his father. They’re just not a good couple and I don’t even know why they’re still together.

The reveal of the actual mystery—it was not what I was expecting. It was very weird, but it was kind of interesting. And I also understand the motive behind the kills, even though the person behind things didn’t surprise me ‘cause it was just so obvious.

So, yeah. This book was not as I remember it. Like, at all. It was an okay read, but overall just really disappointing. And I think this was mainly because I very much did not like the main character, Talia. It’s different when you’re supposed dislike them, like Reva in Silent Night! I love her because she is such an awful person and you’re actually not supposed to like her. But this was different. I think you were supposed sympathize with Talia in this, and I just didn’t.


Easter Eggs: Jade Smith and Deena Martinson from The Wrong Number were mentioned!

The Fear Street connection: Maura and Seth both live on Fear Street.

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)


  1. I've read this review yesterday when I got in my newsletter. Sorry it wasn't that good.

    1. Eh, it's okay. It just wasn't for me. It did make me sad though :(

  2. Excellent review! I haven't reread any of my favorite middle grade books from when I was a kid because I'm afraid of seeing them differently now and losing their magic. I agree that this premise sounds exciting (I perked right up when I read it here), but am sorry that the book didn't live up to that excitement.

    1. Yeah, I can definitely see why you wouldn't want to re-read old favorites. I never thought about it. Lol.
