
Saturday, December 29, 2018

Top Disappointing Books I Read in 2018

It's the end of the year and we all love to talk about all the books we loved. But what about those we maybe didn't love so much? Well, that's why I'm here today! Lol. This year I didn't give out any 1 stars to any books I read... I hardly ever give out just 1 star, tbh. But I did have a handful of 2-star books that were a bit of a disappointing read.

Broken Date Hocus Pocus & The All New Sequel There's Someone Inside Your House

Broken Date was not R.L. Stine's best book—the main character was dumb AF and it was incredibly annoying! And then the climax was underwhelming, too.

Out of all the books mentioned here, Hocus Pocus & The All New Sequel is the only one that got 3 stars from me, yet it was still very disappointing. I adore the movie, so I was very disappointed when the first part of the book was a literal, word-for-word, retelling of that movie. Just—why? Why is that necessary when I can go watch the actual movie? I know there are people who like novelizations, but this book helped me discover that I am not one of those people. Plus, the sequel part was just an okay read.

There's Someone Inside Your House was a hot trash fire that I didn't actually completely despise. It wasn't great by any means, in my opinion, but I ended up really liking the characters by the end. My problem with this book is that it was advertised as a horror/thriller/mystery when in reality it was a contemporary romance that every once in a while remembered it was supposed to be a mystery. Ugh! Now, I don't dislike contemporaries as much as I used to, because I am starting to read them more now, but I have to be in a certain mood to want to read them. You can't just spring a contemporary on me like that when I'm expecting blood and thrills! Lol. But even then, I don't think the contemp/romance aspect and the thriller/mystery worked well together in this book.

The Thrill Club (Fear Street, #24) Halloween Night II (Halloween Night, #2)

Back when I first started reading Fear Street books in middle school, The Thrill Club was actually one of the first ones I ever read and I remember absolutely loving it! But then I re-read it this year and boy, was I disappointed. The main character was awful and petty and I just did not have a great time following her throughout this book. And also, apparently, this book was ghost written? Idk 🤷‍♀️

And last is Halloween Night II. Yep, another R.L. Stine book. I actually really liked the first book, Halloween Night, which I read last year, so I was a little surprised that I didn't enjoy this one as much. But this book was just very predictable and the characters were awful! Did not enjoy.

And that's it! I actually didn't read very many "bad" books this year, which I am always grateful for. Lol.

Did you have any disappointing books you read this year? Let me know below!

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