
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2018 Reading Stats

Books and numbers, two of my favorite things! Let's look back at some statistics I kept track of over the last year.

First up, I read 75 books total in 2018 and this is what my year looked like:

I'm always falling into reading slumps and then binge reads... my year always varies like this. But I read more consistently this year than the last!

Of the 75 total, I read 61 books, 10 novellas, 3 omnibuses, and 1 graphic novel! All of these little bits here and there definitely helped me read my reading goal. Lol. And I reread 5 books in the last year too!

This graph shows the number of pages per book. I apparently really love those 100-400ish paged books. Lol.

Because my TBR list is out of control, I stopped taking/requesting as many review books as I used to. This time around I only read 6 ARCs! Last year I actually read more ARCs than this year.

And my preferred book format continues to be the physical copy. Although I do love my Kindle! And 2018 was the first year I listened to an audiobook! I know I'm late to the party, but better late than never, I suppose. Lol. And I actually read along with the audiobook, that's why this pie chart has a total of 76 books instead of 75.

Most of the books I read this past year I bought myself. Then the next category over are library books, then all those Amazon freebies I always find.

I didn't read too many terrible books this year (you can read my post all about that here!) I'm either entertained very easily or I know how to pick books I'll like. Lol.

My favorite decade of books to read is the present one, and my second favorite is the 90s! Who's surprised? No one is. Lol.

And here is a more in depth look at that. I read the most books published in the year 2018, which is the norm for me.

Lots of self-published books and LOTS of Archway Paperback (those are the Fear Street books. Lol).

And here you can see that even though I do read quite a few indie books, it's mostly traditionally published books that find their way to me.

This chart drives me insane! I read the same amount of books by both male and female authors... except for that one little sliver. And I can tell you who that is...Hocus Pocus & The All New Sequel
by A.W. Jantha. Who is this A.W? I have no idea, but I have tried to find out! There is no information on this author that I could find! It's so weird!

Moving right along... in this chart you can see that I mostly like to read books by authors I've previously read. But I'm getting much better at reading books by new-to-me authors! Last year I only read 7 book by authors whose books I'd never read before!

This is something else I'm getting better. I love my series, obviously, but this year I got more into reading standalones than the year before! Last year I only read 5!

It's easier for me to start a series than end one, as you can see. Finishing series is one of my struggles, but this year I managed to finish 5! That's 3 more than last year!

I read a lot of YA (as you will see later), and that means that a lot of the books are in the female POV, so I always love it when I find I YA book with a male POV!

And my favorite POV is the single 1st person, which is typically what I always get.

Yup, 1st person POV wins. Lol. And then 3rd because most Fear Street books are in 3rd person POV.

YA all the way! Lol. I also read a bunch of adult books this year because I love the Elemental Assassin series!

Lots of mysteries and PNR/UF. And look at that, I even have some contemporaries up there and nonfictions! Two categories I pretty much never read!

And the last thing I kept track of was how much each book was... both the original price and how much I paid for them. Here are those number from all 75 books combined:

Original Price: $489.02
Price Paid: $199.66
Money Saved: $289.36

And that's all! I like numbers, so this was really fun for me to do. Hopefully it was fun to read? Lol.


  1. I love looking at these graphs to see the breakdown of everyone's reading.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Me too! I love numbers! Thanks for stopping by! 😁
