
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Down the TBR Hole #1

Most of you probably know this feeling, your Goodreads TBR pile keeps growing and growing and it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. You keep adding, but you add more than you actually read. And then when you’re scrolling through your list, you realize that you have no idea what half the books are about and why you added them. Well that’s going to change!

And thank the gods for that because I desperately need it! Lol. And thanks to Lost in a Story, as well, for creating this amazing meme!

How it works:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if you’re feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

Simple enough, so let's get started! But first, let's take a look at my TBR lists on Goodreads. (Yep, lists. Plural. Lol.)

So this is what my shelves look like. The shelves I want to go through are the Want to Read, Must Read, and To Pick Up Later shelves. My goal is to hopefully get rid off the Must Read and To Pick Up Later shelves by moving the books my Want to Read shelf or just getting rid of them completely. I may also decide to go through my Own to Read books, but I haven't decided yet. But first, let's get to the Want to Read books!

She Smells the Dead (Spirit Guide, #1) Deadly Little Secret (Touch, #1) The Nightmarys Nearly Departed (Weirdsville, #1) Token of Darkness (Den of Shadows, #6)

She Smells the Dead I added to my TBR list because I loved anything ghostly... I still love books with ghosts! But this book sounds like all your other ghostly books, so it's gone!

Deadly Little Secret sounds like it has an interesting mystery... but it also sounds like other books I have read before. It's gone!

The Nightmarys is a horror book about a guy whose nightmares are becoming reality, and honestly, it still sounds interesting to me! I'm keeping this one!

Nearly Departed is about a weird town where weird things happen and there may be ghosts and demons and... I'm still interested! Keeping it!

Token of Darkness is another ghost book and it's book 6 in a series... a series I have not read. Why it's on my TBR list, I have no idea. It's gone!

The Awakening (Ghost Huntress, #1) Unwind (Unwind, #1) Firelight (Firelight, #1) Siren (Siren, #1) Once a Witch (Witch, #1)

The Awakening has ghosts, ghost hunting, and a girl with abilities... yes please! Keeping it! (What can I say? I'm a sucker for ghosts even now! Lol.)

Unwind is a dystopian and I added it way back when I was super into them. I still like them, but I don't read them as much anymore. So this one is gone!

Firelight with it's star-crossed lovers sounds unappealing to me now. The dragon shifting aspect sounds interesting, but I think if I haven't gotten to this book by now, I probably wont ever. Lol. It's gone!

Siren doesn't sound interesting to me anymore either. I actually found myself skimming the synopsis because I was so bored by it. Lol. It's gone!

Once a Witch is a witch book, obviously, and while I still do love witches, this one is not capturing my attention anymore. It's gone!

And that's it!

Total books deleted: 7
Total books kept on TBR list: 3

Doing this was very satisfying and I got rid of 7 books! Yay!

Let me know if you have read any of these books and whether I should've given them a second chance!


  1. WOW Lili! You got rid of so many books! Congrats on your first (of hopefully many) Down the TBR Hole!

    1. Thanks Heather! Without you I never would've done this! Lol

  2. I really like this idea! I did a major purge last year and deleted over 2000 books from my Goodreads 'want to read' list but I'm still over 3000! Yikes!

    1. That is amazing that you got rid of so many books though!
