
Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Review: I Can Make You Thin by Paul McKenna

I Can Make You Thin: The Revolutionary System Used by More Than 3 Million People (Book and CD)
Title: I Can Make You Thin

Author: Paul McKenna

Genre: Adult, nonfiction, self-help

Publication date: May 2016

Published by: Sterling

Source: Purchased Hardcover

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Would you like to eat whatever you want and still lose weight? Would you like to feel really happy with your body? Are you unable to lose those last 10 pounds? Do you find it difficult to say no to second helpings? Do you get disheartened about your eating habits and your weight? Then this amazing book and CD can help you! Welcome to a revolutionary way to stop overeating, control cravings and feel totally motivated to take exercise. Paul McKenna has developed a breakthrough weight-loss system that re-patterns your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs about yourself, your health and food to help you easily take control of your diet and lose weight permanently. As you use Paul's amazing system, the latest psychological techniques will automatically help you to start losing weight straight away! You can use it again and again to make you feel happier about yourself as you go all the way to your ideal shape, size and weight.

My rating: ★★★★☆

I remember a while back I watched a TV show where Paul McKenna showed the viewers how to lose weight without dieting. I remember trying it for a bit and it actually worked! Fast forward to this past summer where I had had enough of my emotional eating and I decided it was time for me to lose weight. One thing about me: I’ve never been comfortable in my own body, and I SO want to be! It’s not just about being thin (title of the book could’ve been better, tbh), I want to feel better too! Anyway, I wanted to try out this system again but for the life of me I could not remember what it was! After many days and A LOT of googling I finally found this, the very thing I was looking for (except I didn’t realize it was a book too. Lol). So I read through the book (it was a very quick read!) and I even found the TV show on YouTube so watched those 4 segments too, and I put the system to use. After 6 months I lost 20 lbs just doing this!

But here’s the thing, you have to commit to this fully and put the work in. And it’s hard work! It’s a very simple system, but you really have to stick with it. Paul McKenna actually mentions that at one point you will forget to follow his instructions and will probably break one or multiple of his golden rules. And yes, this happened to me. A lot. And I love that he doesn’t shame you for it. It’s just gonna happen. For me, over the summer at work we went to a preschool (I’m a home care nurse and I take care of a toddler with a tracheostomy and have to got to school with her to watch her airway) where they had set times for breakfast and lunch and all that, and this is NOT a thing you want when following this system. I did fall off of the wagon for the summer because of it, but I came back on when we were done going there. Here’s the takeaway: He said it was gonna happen, and it did. I felt bad, but I also didn’t dwell on it and give up on it. Just get back on and start over!

And I don’t know if it’s just me, but I do feel better after starting this! I feel happier and I have more energy! I do wish I’d lost more weight than I actually have, but I don’t fixate on that because I’m just happy I’ve lost weight at all... without dieting, no less! Guess who just had chicken nuggets and caramel popcorn and enjoyed them? This girl! Lol.

I also have started working out... but sticking to a set workout routine has proven to be difficult. I am currently trying the HIIT workouts and that seems to be working the best!

So, would I recommend this book to someone trying to lose weight? Yes! The golden rules are very simple, but it is hard work. Trust me, though, it is worth it! And the golden rules sound hard to believe, but it really works!

1. When you are hungry, EAT
2. EAT WHAT YOU WANT, not what you think you should
3. Eat CONSCIOUSLY and enjoy every mouthful
4. When you think you are full, STOP eating

That’s it. Really!

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If not, what do you think? Does it sound like something you might want to read? Leave me a link to your review or comment below! :)


  1. I am glad to see that you found something that works for you and it is always so nice to see results. :) Good luck as you continue.

  2. OOOH! I love this! Eat what you want and lose weight!!!!! I may have to check it out! Thanks for the rec!
