
Saturday, June 1, 2019

Down the TBR Hole #18

Most of you probably know this feeling, your Goodreads TBR pile keeps growing and growing and it seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. You keep adding, but you add more than you actually read. And then when you’re scrolling through your list, you realize that you have no idea what half the books are about and why you added them. Well that’s going to change!

And thank the gods for that because I desperately need it! Lol. And thanks to Lost in a Story, as well, for creating this amazing meme!

How it works:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if you’re feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

Good Ghost Gone Bad Don't Fear the Reaper (Netherworld, #1) Towering The Monster Within (The Monster Within #1) How To Be A Goddess

Good Ghost Gone Bad is about a ghost who was murdered and teams up with her killers other victims in order to take down the killer! So, yeah, I'm definitely keeping this one!

Don't Fear the Reaper is about reapers and death and all that stuff I typically like, but the synopsis of this one isn't capturing my attention anymore so I'm gonna get rid of it.

Towering is a retelling of Rapunzel, but it's not sounding particularly interesting to me, so I'm gonna get rid of it too.

The Monster Within sounds really interesting! It's about a girl who dies then her boyfriend brings her back from the dead, but she doesn't come back right. Anyway, it sounds cool and I'm keeping it!

How To Be A Goddess sounds interesting. It's about a girl how is turned into a goddess, obviously. Lol. Anyway, there's Greek mythology so I think I'm gonna keep this one for now.

Cinderella Complex (The Fairy Godmother Files, #1) The Taking (The Taking, #1) The Way We Fall (Fallen World, #1) The Survivors (The Survivors, #1) Gods & Titans Oracle: Book & Oracle Set

Cinderella Complex is about a girl who inherits the Fairy Godmother title from her grandmother... yeah, as in the Cinderella Fairy Godmother! It sounds fun so I'm gonna keep it!

The Taking also sounds good! And I like Kimberly Derting's other work, so I'm gonna keep it!

The Way We Fall takes place in an apocalyptic setting with a virus going around killing everyone... I'm interested so I'm keeping it!

The Survivors is about survivors of the Salem Witch Trials, and while a normally like this sort of stuff, this one isn't holding my attention either so I'm gonna get rid of it.

Gods & Titans I think is about mythology... but beyond that the synopsis isn't giving me much to go off of... I'm getting rid of it.

And that's it!

Total books deleted: 4
Total books kept on TBR list: 6

Let me know if you have read any of these books and whether I should've given them a second chance!

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