
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The Netflix Book Tag!

I saw this tag over at A Great Read and it looked like so much fun, I just had to give it a shot! I've been watching a lot of Netflix lately so I thought this would be perfect to do right now!

Recently Watched
The last book you finished reading

Color Bleach+: The Bleach Official Bootleg

Bleach. I've been reading a lot of this manga lately and I love it! Funnily enough, my introduction to this series was the anime. Guess where I watched it first? Netflix. Lol. I watched the first 3 season on Netflix (cause that's all they have there) then I finished watching the rest of the anime on Hulu. Then I found out that the anime never got into the last arc of the series so I decided to dive into the manga, including this sort of supplemental read with a lot of fun, additional info on the characters. I loved this book!

Top Picks
A book that has been recommended to you based on the books you previously read

Aurora Rising (The Aurora Cycle, #1)

So I went on Amazon to check out some recommendations and this one came up! It’s already on my TBR list and it sounds like a really fun sci-fi!

Recently Added
The last book you bought

Well, these two came in on the same order sooooo 😉 I love Bleach, if you haven't noticed by now 😏 (on top of currently reading the manga, I've watched the entire anime and I am already rewatching it again! I’m already on season 5 hehehe). Anyway, I started this book the day I got it and I'm already done with it. Lol. And then there's Stepsister which just sounded great! I can't wait to get into that one!

Popular on Netflix
Books that everyone knows about (2 you've read and 2 you have no interest in reading)


The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1) City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)

Two of my favorite series!!


A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #1) Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)

I’m just not into fantasy all that much 🙈

A funny book

Practical Applications for Multiverse Theory

Death by horny cowboy sloths... that is all. Lol. But no, I really loved this book! It was a lot of fun!

A character who is a drama queen/king

Zombie Queen of Newbury High

The main character’s best friend, Candice, is a hypochondriac and kind of dramatic, but that’s what I loved about her! Lol.

A book with cartoons on the cover

Bleach, Vol. 73

Okay, so I actually haven’t read this one yet because it’s the second-to-last volume in the entire series and I am currently reading volume 65, but I just had to pick this one because Renji is my favorite! 😍😍😍

Watch it Again
A book/series that you want to re-read

My Soul to Take (Soul Screamers, #1)

I remember really loving this series and I want to get back to it! I think I have maybe 1 or 2 books left before I complete the series. Just talking about it makes me want to read it immediately! Soon though, soon...

A non-fiction book you recommend to everyone

Serial Killers: The Method and Madness of Monsters

Well, I actually don’t read a lot of non-fiction. I literally only have 3 books on that shelf on Goodreads. Lol. But the one I liked the most that I would recommend is this one. It’s not for everybody since it can get graphic, but if you like true crime this is a great book! Learning about why serial killers do the things they do was very fascinating!

Action and Adventure
An action packed book

Venom in the Veins (Elemental Assassin, #17)

Literally any Jennifer Estep book. If you want some really good action in a book, go pick up one of her books... any book! I chose this one in particular because it's just the one I’ve read more recently. But it was amazing! I swear the action scenes just get better and better as the series goes on!

New Release
A book that just came out or will be coming out soon that you can't wait to read

Lock Every Door

This one came out earlier in the month and I can't wait to get my hands on it! I've read his two other books which are horror/thrillers and they are good! He does such amazing plot twists!

I'm not tagging anyone specifically, but feel free to do this yourself, especially if you love Netflix as much as me! 😅


  1. This looks like a fun tag to do, I hope to do it one day too!

    I can't wait to read Lock Every Door, since Final Girls was AMAZEBAAALLLSS by Riley Sager :)

    1. You should! It was so much fun! I agree, Final Girls was awesome!!

  2. Love that cover for Stepsister! I can see why you couldn't resist that one. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
