
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Currently Reading Book Tag!

I saw this tag over at Emily the Book Nerd and it looked like a lot of fun to do!

1. How many books do you usually read at once?

So. Many.

I actually prefer to read only one book at a time, but that never, ever lasts because my mood changes so quickly! Typically I read 2-3 books at a time.

2. How do you decide when to switch between multiple reads?

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Honestly, mood. Like I said, my mood can change without warning, so I just go with it. It's one of the reasons why I stopped accepting/requesting so many ARCs, because I have to be in a particular mood to want to read a certain book.

3. Do you ever switch bookmarks partially through a book?

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Nope. I just stick to the bookmark I choose all the way through.

4. Where do you keep the books you are currently reading?

Kind of everywhere. On my nightstand, in my bookcase headboard, on my dresser, in my purse...

5. What time of day do you read the most?

I'm kind of everywhere on that one, too. Sometimes in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon when I have time at work, sometimes before bed. Whenever I'm in the mood, I guess. Lol.

6. How long do you typically read in one session?

I don't actually know. I think on average, maybe an hour? But if I can have it my way, definitely more!

7. Do you read hardbacks with the dust jackets off?

Nope. I just leave them on.

8. What position do you mainly use to read?

Sitting if I'm at work. Laying down if I'm at home.

9. Do you take your current read with you everywhere you go?

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Yes! And sometimes I even take more than one book with me. Lol.

10. How often do you update your Goodreads reading progress?

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I actually used to update it quite often back in the day. Now I really only update it when I start reading and when I finish.

And there you go! Those are my weird reading habits. Lol. I'd love to know what your reading habits are like!

I am not tagging anyone in particular, but feel free to do it yourself if you're so inclined! 😊


  1. Fun post! I use Goodreads pretty much the same way you do---to tell it when I start a book and when I finish. I used to occasionally leave comments as I read, but I didn't stick with that for long. I love tracking my reading there though.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Yeah I don't use Goodreads for that particular purpose because I just started jotting down notes on sticky notes as I read the book.
